
about my NYC dentist

At this point of the winter season, I'm even missing my California dentist. She used photography film x-rays instead of digital. I liked seeing photos of my teeth clipped up on the lighted white boards. She scratched all the plaque with a simple metal scrapper tool.  Her office was small and had easy parking. She fixed the gap in my teeth. My new dentist talks fast and has an autographed photo of Bill Clinton in the lobby and has Columbia University diplomas on the wall.  Instead of a mirror, he used a $10,000 video camera (he actually mentioned it was $10,000) to show me my teeth on the computer screen. He offered to print out my digital X-rays. He found a cavity.  Afterwards, I walked to Central Park with Ella and tried to enjoy the new snow. But after taking a few pictures, my toes started to get cold and I just wanted to be back in California. Cavity and all.


  1. What??? You fixed the gap in your teeth?

  2. betsy: last Feb. I had my gap closed up. see before and after pics here: http://dotalfbee.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-teeth.html

  3. ps i just put a link in the post. click on "she fixed the gap in my teeth"

  4. Beautiful picture:)

  5. Well, good job on finding and going to a dentist after a move (even if you didn't like him). Finding doctors and dentists and hair people and all that is so hard for me after I move so I just put it off.

  6. California misses you too. specifically liz and henry. we are losers here without you guys. seriously.

  7. Your blog is fabulous. That's all I have to say.

    OH, one more thing - My best friend's husband is a bishop in Manhattan. It's probably not your ward, but just in case you ever run into them, they're the Crandalls. (Kimber & Brett)

  8. Christine: thanks. :)
    Lindsay: I still don't have a doctor for myself or my kids. I'll get arous to it one of these days. And probably write all about it. Ha
    Liz: I'll be back, Rob promised today!
    Erica: thanks for the complement :) I'll be on the look out for the Crandalls. And say hi!


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