
Ella at the Plaza

Ella decided to invite one lucky friend (Henrietta) to have tea at the Plaza Hotel for her sixth birthday party.  It was an afternoon away from the boys filled with cookies, pink lemonade, fancy dresses and Upper East Side chic.
Pinkies Up!
Before we moved here, I checked out books from the library with NYC themes. One the books was Eloise.  Ella and I fell in love with the feisty six-year-old girl named Eloise who lives at the tippy top floor of the Plaza Hotel.  Ella believes Eloise really lives at the hotel and was looking for her the whole time. I think it's great that the Plaza's very sophisticated Palm Court restaurant uses the Eloise books as inspiration for their children's menu.  I have to say, the cold cold pink lemonade was absolutely divine.
Henrietta gave Ella super cool gifts like a homemade necklace and homemade belts (tutorial coming soon). But that's not all! Thanks to a brilliant marketing campaign, Henrietta also gave her a Pillow Pet.  It's a pillow! It's a pet! It's a pillow pet! Ella's been asking for one for months. Henrietta, thank you, she loves it. And Cousin Afton--you're next. Have you been pressured into getting your kids a pillow pet yet? Oh geez.

I adored the party. I didn't have to do any planning besides make reservations. But mainly, it's just what Ella wanted. Besides a pillow pet of course.

Afternoon Tea at the Palm Court works at any age--six year olds pretending to be Eloise, 15-year-olds pretending to be Gossip Girls, and 29-year-olds pretending to be a members of the Upper East Side elite. I highly recommend it!

That's it for this week. Hope you have a good weekend. Pictures of the after party on Monday! It got pretty wild. You won't want to miss it.


  1. What a perfect party and something I'm sure both girls will always remember. Ah, the pillow pet. They now have an imitation called the "Happy Napper" and my boys crack up about it everytime the commercial comes on. I'm gonna get you a Snuggie for Christmas! haaa

  2. I can't stand it. I really don't understand how jealous I am!!!!!!! How A-mazing.

  3. What a perfect way for a girl to celebrate a birthday! I have never had tea at the Plaza, but even walking through the lobby made me feel fancy! It must have been a blast. Happy weekend!

  4. Your pics are so gorgeous.

    I baby-sat at the Plaza last weekend! I saw into an Eloise suite while housekeeping was cleaning it. It was toxic-shock-syndrome-pinkness-overload.

    I love that these little girls look like twins. So sweet!

  5. What a fun time they must have had! What a nice mom to think of that. I love the picture of Ella with her pinkie AND her index finger up. Cute. Afton still hasn't asked for or noticed pillow pets yet so I'm still in the clear! haha. Probably safe until we visit and she sees Henrietta has one. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)

  6. Ohhh, a birthday tea party at the Plazza would be a dream come true for my 6 years old since she likes Eloise so much. Such a good idea. Your little girl and her friend will certainly keep wonderful memories of this goûter. And they look sweet and fabulous in these matching dresses.

  7. These pictures are adorable and I love your blog. Did you know the Eloise character is based on Liza Minnelli as a child?

  8. Dear Ella--I hope you have a great day at my house today. I hope you have a great day tomorrow too. I love the plaza and all the sweets. I loved the performance we made, I loved the kitchen, and I loved the bedroom with the tv. And I loved the chandelier. And I love the pillow pet you got.

    Love, Henrietta

  9. Thanks for a great time at the plaza! All jealous readers out there, your jealousy is not in vain--it really was divine. Sharon left out all the great food for adults--caviar, quail eggs, tiny triangular cucumber sandwiches . . . delicious.

    The other great thing about the plaza--it's got Henrietta talking again (after having her tonsils out yesterday). Dictating the post for Ella (whispering, of course) is the most she's spoken in 24 hours. Thanks!

  10. only in new york... haha. next time my nieces visit i may have to spoil them with tea at the plaza.

  11. so fun! i can only hope to do these kinds of fun things when my 6 month old lucy is a bot older :)

  12. Ella, Happy Birthday!! It looks like you had such a wonderful party with Henrietta. We love you lots beautiful girl. Love Grandma and Grandpa

  13. I love love love it! I just read Eloise a few weeks ago and thought of Ella the whole time. -Lindsay

  14. Thanks everyone!

    Julie: I would love to see the Eloise room! Betsy Johnson can do no wrong in my opinion.

    Kylie: I did not know that. haha Very interesting!

  15. What a lucky girl!!!! An incredible 6th birthday!

  16. shut up! you have to be proud of how beautiful this post is! oh my gosh. we are soooo doing this for audrie's birthday next year. nice work, lady.

  17. Would you please share where you got the adorable white and yellow dresses? I'd love to get one for my niece! Great post!

  18. that's cute photos my name is Ella too i'm on my sister's acount.

  19. "29-year-olds pretending to be a members of the Upper East Side elite" haha! You're hilarious!

  20. Such a lucky girl.I was not that much lucky when i was a child.

  21. This july 25 is my daughter's 7th birthday.I'll do something like this to celebrate her birthday.

  22. This is such a great idea! simple and beautiful, very inspiring!
    Matt Levine


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