
Improv Everywhere

Have you heard of Improv Everywhere? It's a New York-based improv group that creates funny scenes in public places. Some of their videos get over 7 million views on youtube. Ha! My friend tipped me off that they needed kids for a future skit so I dragged the boys down for the event. I can't tell you anything about the secret improv sketch until the video goes live. I'll keep you posted when it does. The idea is so funny and sweet.
Here's a pic of the boys waiting for the event to start:
 And after the event, I found Owen swooning the ladies like any good improv comedian would do. Oscar's somewhere in the background playing hard to get. Those boys are such playas.

I can't wait to show you the in-between pictures! Soon!


  1. First-your kids are so cool.

    Second-after seeing your tips on how to dress dudes on Say Yes to Hoboken, I immediately made cut offs out of my boy's jeans and unearthed the suspenders that he wore to a wedding last summer. Viola-now he's pretty hip!

    Third-I also ordered 3 more pairs of suspenders (including some pretty sweet red glitter numbers for the lil' sis!). This might become a problem.

    Fourth-thanks for sharing your talent for dressing the wee ones!!

  2. Wow! Thanks for all the compliments. Please tell me your source for the red glitter suspenders!

  3. Loved, LOVED the Star Wars (prisoner Princess Laia) on the subway bit. That was them, right?

  4. You are a hilarious person

  5. Has this been posted yet? I'd love to see how the skit went! I absolutely love their stuff!


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