
The Monkey Tree

Living the the city doesn't come without it's fair share of mommy guilt. After a year of living here, and I still feel sorry that my kids don't have a backyard. It made me happy when we were in Central Park the other day and my kids begged to swing in the Monkey Tree. I didn't even know about this so called Monkey Tree! I like that they're finding their own pieces of land in the city and look pretty happy about it. Except in the last picture. Such serious faces!

What location is best for a proper upbringing anyway? The city, the country, some place in between? It's hard to know exactly.

PS My sister, dad, and husband have told me they are having a hard time commenting on my blog. Are you too?


  1. I grew up in the country and always wondered where kids in NYC played :]

    Also, people say the same thing to me about trouble commenting on my blog. I think it's the difference between trying to comment as a guest and trying to sign in. I think signing into an account makes it more difficult, but I haven't figured it out either..

  2. I don't think there is one right place to raise children... mine have had a backyard while growing up...with a swing set etc....but we went to just as many parks ...and went "up" north...if you are from MN you know what that means...So living in a city with parks and in a state that offers "country" is just as good!

    I have problems posting on my work computer...not at home tho

  3. i was raised in the country (michigan) with tons of land... and i hated it! and my husband was raised in northern england in a little village. now we are raising our kids in london, but we have a small back garden (yard) and we live just down the road from an incredible park that we spend every afternoon (rain or shine) so the kids get the best of both worlds. i don't think there is a right or wrong place to raise kids, i guess if you are happy and make the most of where you are then the kids will be happy too! (i don't find it hard to comment on your blog) x

  4. I LOVE living in a big city now that I'm on my own but I do always think to myself, as much as I love this city, I'm so happy I had tree's to climb in (and fall out of) as a kid... I live in Milwaukee though, the parks we have here don't have any trees like Central Park does, so your kids are lucky! - and I've never had a problem commenting = )


  5. No problems commenting here!

    I'm such a city lover, I always imagine raising my kids in one. But having grown up surrounded by nature, I would love to take regular trips to a lake house or something...I can't imagine not having occasional retreats.

    Lovelovelove the red skirt with yellow suspenders. SO cute.

  6. i think either big big city or small small town. but what do i know? i don't have kids yet.

  7. We have a backyard, and I am certain your kids have much more fun living in NY! I've never been in NY,NY...it's a dream of mine to go...someday. :)

  8. I am partial to the city-er side of things. Since I've been married, we never had a back yard, until we moved 5 minutes outside of THE city!

    p.s. We have to get together again soon!

    p.p.s No problems commenting here. Perhaps it's a family thing? ha!

  9. I grew up in the 'burbs and now my husband & I just moved to the "inner city" of Asheville, NC. We laugh that people call it city living. We all still have yards with trees and playsets and room for a game of catch. But we can walk or bike anywhere - restaurants, parks, the library, schools - so to us it's the best of both worlds.
    But kids only know what they know. If they grow up in the city with Central Park as their yard, it's not going to hurt them! Think of all the other opportunities suburban kids don't get by not living in a city.

  10. I think growing up in NYC would be awesome! So much to do and see. And there's definitely more opportunity than a small town. But small towns have their own charm, too.

    Love your blog, and I will continue to comment!

  11. I think I might have fixed my comments! hopefully it works now!


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