
Career Update: I Want to Be a Writer

If you're following my career from this post, here's an update:

I've decided I want to focus my attention on becoming a writer and see where it takes me. So far I've gotten the Babble gig, an ad for my blog, and most recently Babble asked me to do five sponsored posts for Pillsbury. My first one went live on Friday. Check it out! I love it! So so excited that I was one of the people they asked. I already submitted my second post, and I have to work on another one due this Friday. My cousin Emily told me the Pillsbury pie crust is supposedly incredible. Have you ever tried it? Thoughts? I'll link back if I use your comments of course!

This week I finally got a few paychecks in the mail. Do you know how long it's been since I made money?  Almost five years! It felt soooo good. It's got me thinking of ways to make more. Perhaps photography? Just an idea!

*Note to my loyal readers: Sorry if my grammar mistakes drive you bonkers! I've started using Grammarcheck.net. Say goodbye to my passive voice and all my homophone errors. It's not going to catch everything, but hopefully I won't look like a dope everyday! 


  1. Congratulations on all these fun new developments!

    And since you asked, I will say that I LOVE Pillsbury's crust. It's perfectly suited for sweet & savory dishes (like quiche). Just perfect!

  2. So proud of you! I have been following along with your job hunt since that initial post, it really resonated with me. I have chosen to stay home with my son (and will probably have more children soon) and worry that I will never have a real paying job again! Good for you! Now you just have to reveal what you blew that first paycheck on ;) I'm sure it felt great! It's very inspirational to hear what a little effort and some talent in writing can do, keep up these great posts! I hope to be a writer eventually, but some other interest always manages to get in the way...


  3. So happy for you! The best writers to write for stay at home moms are stay at home moms! Who would know better the challenges and rewards of such an honorable job!

  4. Seeing that you are finally making money doing something you love is awesome. It gives hope to new bloggers like me!

  5. thanks! haha. let me think what i recently bought: I new bra, new shoes, christmas presents for my kids. It all kind of disappears!! our ambitious and boring goal is to pay off all the debt we got into over the past 5 years as i stayed at home. ha! we'll see if that happens.

  6. Good luck! I'm so glad that you're following your passion! Inspiring!

  7. I love Pillsbury pie crust! I make a killer pot pie with it... and I always make two so I can give one away. People love the recipe. And I just bought one today to make my traditional Thanksgiving cherry pie with... I've also made mini quiches with it. You've got to try it!

  8. thanks great, Sharon! sounds like it's all coming together for you.

  9. Gyða GunnarsdóttirMarch 30, 2012 at 6:32 PM

    Congratulations Sharon. ;)

  10. I am a follower of your blog and feel so inspired by everything you are accomplishing! I am a stay at home mom too and your success really makes me feel like we can have it all. Or at least most of it;)

  11. Sharon,

    I love your blog and enjoying your wonderful sense of humor. I laugh out loud when you tell your tales.

    I do write this out of kindness and respect. I am a retired teacher and know that you want to be recognized as a writer. I know too that you are using your blog to showcase your writing. The occasional grammar errors are natural. I make them when I write as well. I have a few ways to help ensure those errors are more infrequent. Let me know if we can "chat". I would be happy to help as I see great potential in what you do and the goals you have shared.

  12. We are fellow New Yorker writers as well. Congrats on your paychecks! We know that's a major milestone. We look forward to watching your success.


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