
Third Year's A Charm

Ella training for the Boston Marathon in Boston.

Third year in a row I've signed up for the NYC Marathon lottery. Never once has my number come up. Usually I take a sigh of relief when that happens. And then I'm disappointed. And then I start looking for other ways to get a guaranteed spot in the race by raising money for a charity.  And then I'm really disappointed in myself when I don't have the heart to do all the fundraising. I know.

Anyone else enter it this year? Anyone RUN in it? For a charity?!

I haven't gone out for a jog in awhile. Thinking I should. Maybe it will bring me some good luck.

My NYC Half Marathon review from last year is here. I didn't really like it. Hoping I'll have a better experience by running an extra 13 miles . . .


  1. I don't think I knowhow to run. I swim. And I was a dancer {back in the olden days} but run? Huh. Sounds so grown-up and hard. Not ready for it yet.

  2. I ran the NYC marathon in 2011 through Team In Training. I had done a few half-marathons before, and it was truly the biggest challenge I've ever taken on.
    Seriously. It was not easy. To wake up and run on Saturdays. Or to ask people for money.
    But seriously. Honestly. It was the. best. thing. I have ever done for myself.
    I can't recommend it enough.
    AND, I can't speak highly enough of TNT. The organization is full of amazing people and the motivation and support are so present.
    I haven't written about my experience yet, but I hope to soon.

    I really support this idea.


  3. my number got picked last year-I was so excited-but in reality the journey and cost from Africa was too much. My number has rolled over to this year-would love to go-but have not committed myself yet-as still have the same problems. The half is my favourite distance-but I have never done a marathon-the distance i quite scary!

  4. ...funny! good luck with training.

  5. My brother & I are both signed up for this year, so we'll see what happens... It's my third time trying as well (but nonconsecutive years.) I had so much fun watching the marathon last fall and so I hope my number gets picked! I've ran two marathons in the past, but they were a few years ago, and this event will be post-baby.... so training makes me a little nervous. But it'd be good for me in a lot of ways. Good luck with the lottery!

  6. My ex boyfriend ran this by fundraising several years ago. For me as a spectator, it was a lot of fun, haha! I did observe that at mile 17, everyone still looked in good spirits. When I met them again around mile 21, not such a cheerful group. :P Hope you get it - I never want to run a marathon, but if I did, this and Boston would be the ones I'd want.

  7. You could try entering through the NYRRC for 2013... they added additional requirements from my NYRRC days, but it's a guaranteed entry.


    It's a time commitment for sure, but so is marathon training!

  8. I second joining the New York Road Runner's Club to get your entry. You have to join the year before you want to run though. (If you join by Jan. 31 of this year and complete the 9+1 program you'll have a guaranteed entry for the 2013 race). http://www.ingnycmarathon.org/about/9_1_guaranteed_entry.htm

    My husband and I did this program and ran the 2010 and 2011 ING NYC Marathons. It was amazing! It's also really fun to do the 9 races throughout the year, keeps you in shape, and it's fun to meet other runners when volunteering. It seems like way far away when you join, but 2013 will come up before you know it and you'll be in Staten Island with the rest of us!

  9. I'm raising money for Team for Kids to run the NYC Marathon - my first (eeks)!

  10. When growing up, our parents somehow made it clear that being famous is good. But I feel it's more about living and loving and trying to find purpose in this crazy world.


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