
Bread Making Class

photo by kristin
Last Saturday I went to a bread making class. One of my friends is an expert bread maker, pastry maker, sauce maker, anything maker! After culinary school, she spent a few grueling years in the restaurant business. She recently left all that craziness to work a desk job at a PR company.  Turns out, she misses it a little!

So each month, to get her fix, she holds a class for her friends and teaches us all the things she learned as a baker/chef. She only charges us for supplies (last week was $10). Since she's had such a demand, she started pulling names out of a hat to make it fair. I was lucky enough to get my name drawn for the bread making class. While there, she took all the fear of bread making away from me. It was the yeast that scared me the most (she recommended Saf). And the kneading (she told us to make a quarter turn, make a new seam, repeat forever). I think I will give it a try one of these days. Bread making is so romantic and beautiful!

I also have a friend who's teaching a photography class this week. I can't wait to take it. My first assignment is to learn how to adjust the settings on my camera manually. She swears I'll never go back to automatic mode after her three classes. We'll see!

What are you an expert in? Would you ever be brave enough to teach class about all your skills and knowledge? I love this idea!


  1. Those photos are so gorgeous! What a fun class, I'm decent at bread making, but would love to be comfortable enough to do it all the time. Every once in awhile I make pizza from scratch with my trust Kitchen-Aid mixer and am always amazed by how EASY it is, I think, why don't I do this more often? I'm far from expert in anything, but I would love to give photography classs! I was a minor in it in college and have still retained alot of knowledge, I could certainly help all my friends who only use automatic mode with their fancy cameras! Good luck with the class!


  2. i love hand kneading bread. it completely relaxes me. this reminds me i need to make bread more often!

  3. what talented friends you have! i don't think i could hold any classes...who wants to learn how to play the violin...?don't think i will be pulling names from a hat somehow

  4. I think it's reat we keep on learning new things and expand our world. Now I want to try to bake bread!

  5. Classes are so much fun! I had my wedding photographer give my mom and I a little tutorial about using our cameras, and it's amazing how much you can learn in a day (especially when you're at the bottom of the learning curve like I was).

    I have thought about teaching classes myself in bookkeeping and budgeting (I'm a CPA), but it would have to be a pretty intimate setting because I'm not a big public speaker. Also, not the most exciting or fancy topic :)

  6. can i have your friends? lol!! i want to learn how to sew so bad!!! maybe when the babies get older. thanks for the post!

  7. Hmmm, not an expert in anything but giving it a try I'm always good at:) I've got some hand-me-down break baking books from my mother-in-law {who bakes her own amazing fresh breads for everyday}...it's time to try it!

  8. Do you ever take for granted what you are an "expert" in and think that everyone can do it? Outside of what we might have been trained for in our paid work. I know that I do - I think we all have some special skills that we DO take for granted because they come so easy to us. For me, I think I could teach organization/storage skills. Or project management. Something like that. And basic cooking skills too.

  9. love it when people pass on their knowledge to others!

  10. I am a pretty good cook and I love to bake but for some reason my breads never turn out good. I have tried baking bread a few times and I haven't been successful yet. Maybe I need a class too. I am an excellent knitter. I even get paid to do some sample knitting sometimes. I have often thought about teaching people to knit. I just don't know if anyone would be interested.

  11. Oh, that's so nice! I've always wanted to learn... but I'm afraid I will eat everything afterwards!!!

  12. Hmmm, well, I created my blog www.OBSESSIVSION.com to display my vast and volumonous collection of creative projects of past and present. I am an artist, designer/art director. My projects range from design to culinary. Come on over and check me out. I look forward to inspiring moms that you too can find time for creativity, style and tasty homemade meals. Don't forget to follow me :)

  13. WOOPS, I spelled my blog wrong in the comment below :( here it is: www.obsessivision.com

  14. This is so nice. My boyfriend has been in a bread making fit for the last months. He will make it at least once a week now. He almost doesn't buy bread anymore. The other day I woke up and he wasn't in bed, so I came out to the kitchen and found him "listening" to a loaf that he had just taking out of the oven. Apparently it makes some noise? Keep on working on it! it looks like it can be very fulfilling!

  15. Yay, the sunburst is back! It definitely let's me know when I am on your page. I also love baking bread. The kneading process is very therapeutic! xx

  16. I just tried making bread this week too. I was always kind of intimidated by it, but it's way more fun than I thought. I think I might get hooked, plus, the scent is hard to beat!


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