
First Things Said

6:34am, Owen: "Mom. Mom. Mom! Make me a paper airplane." 

I've always thought I should record the first things my kids say to me in the morning. This was today's. Wouldn't it make the best memory book?  I'm going to look into it . . . and then never do it. 

What was the first thing someone said to you this morning? I think it helps to shape the story of the day.


  1. "whassa matter?" because all week I've been oversleeping and my first words have been "oh sh*t!" Definitely shapes the day.

  2. I love that idea. Very sweet. You should do it.

  3. today is the last day of work for both my husband and i before we embark on an epic adventure through asia. so the first words spoken were "last day of work!". then a very sleepy high-five!
    that paper airplane looks classic!

  4. "I'm going to look into it...and then never do it". Soooo funny. That is exactly how my mommy life goes. I pin all these great ideas for kids, sometimes even get the "stuff" to do them, and then I never do.

  5. That is hilarious, they really are very funny creatures first thing in the morning. I think I'm gonna look into it and then never do it too!

  6. Let me see -
    6:40 - Benji - MY BLANKETS ARE TANGLED! HALPHALP HAAAALLP!!!! (He's dramatic that one..)
    6:45 - Claire - Mom. Why is it early? Is it day time? Do I have to go to school? I have a belly ache, and I will miss puppy _so much_ (She's 5 and equally prone to dramatics)

    1. haha sounds like the start of a great day!

    2. Well, it wasn't the best day - that bellyache turned out to be strep. Bah!

  7. Cute idea! I don't remember today's first words, but yesterday's were adorable. My 3-year-old daughter woke up just after my shower, so I still had my bathrobe on. When she saw me getting ready for work, she says in a sleepy and whiney voice "No, go put your jammas on!" Poor thing, she just wants the weekend (as do I).

  8. "Hi babe!" The first words I hear almost every morning from my sleepy boyfriend beside me.

  9. OK, yet another idea that is awesome but I know I won't ever get around to doing either...crap!

  10. I don't like to link to my blog in the comments but today I.can't.help.it. I thought this exact same thing not too long ago and posted about it too
    This morning it was "Is it the weekend?" Sadly, it wasn't.

    1. ha! that's awesome! promise i didn't steal it :)

  11. Mornings starting with Lance's screech put me in a baaaad mood.

  12. I'm still in school and don't have kids, but the first thing someone said directly to me is "I don't want to be a chauffer." I think it sums up the day nicely.

    1. haha love this. who says that besides a parent?

  13. My two year old says "Hi Mommy, how are you?" Melts my heart! (Love the Owen's shirt!!)

  14. 2 year old, 7:03 am: "I have a snack now?"

  15. "Baaaakkk, Baaaaakkk, Baaaakkkkkkk" from my 4 chickens in the coop outside my bedroom window! Horrible design flaw building it there of all places! :)

  16. what a lovely idea... I totally agree, and I guess it shapes the continuity of life and the days... Like they didn't went to sleep at all :-DDDD it's really funny! My kid is only 18 months so he usualy says: "Mom, dad, mom, dad..."

  17. what a lovely idea... I totally agree, and I guess it shapes the continuity of life and the days... Like they didn't went to sleep at all :-DDDD it's really funny! My kid is only 18 months so he usualy says: "Mom, dad, mom, dad..."


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