
Life Imitates Art: CAKE

Life Imitates Art
Paul Ferney's cake print (right) is one of the first pieces of art people see in our house. It's placed in an collage at the end of our endless hallway entrance.

I guess Ella's been admiring it for a while now because she asked me to make it for her school party today. I thought it was a good idea and totally doable.  I used these simple recipes for the cake and icing. Only took me 8 hours!  Maybe 10. It's the classic problem of being overly confident in my abilities to do anything. I've baked probably 2 cakes in my entire life yet I expect to be as good as the rest of 'em. I'll learn.

After trying a piece of the cake and realizing it tasted like an actual brick (over mixed the batter!), I did what any deflated baker does: pout on the couch.  Ella came up to me and gave me a big hug and said, "Just put a lot of icing on it. That's what the kids like anyway." Problem solved. Love her.

Imitating art rather than trying to make a perfect Martha Stewart cake is way more my style. It's more thought provoking, forgiving, and inspiring. Basically, it shows I'm so intellectual and deep. Always a goal of mine! And even if the cake tastes horrible, it's far better then the taste of oil paint and canvas. I hope so at least.

After the jump: Five of my favorite pieces of art featuring cake. The best is the first one--I'm so happy I found it!

Piece of Cake
DJ Hall's Piece of Cake via the Met (interesting back story here.
My favorite Amy Steven's cake
Close up of Wayne Theibaud's Cakes via National Gallery of Art
Lilla Rogers puts a bird on it.
Andy Warhol via My Artistic Home


  1. children are the sweetest! your cake looks fun & delicious :)

  2. This is such a fun idea and I think it looks great, even if it didn't taste awesome. Did you see the bride that had Wayne Theibaud's cakes recreated for her wedding? Genius.

  3. aww your daughter sounds sweet!

  4. That's so cute... but I think she's right. The kiddos will be distracted by their sugar high to notice your cakes shortcomings...

  5. Looks sooo good! I just did some baking last night, let's just say baking soda is not the same as baking powder

  6. The Paul Ferney cake print is my favorite!

  7. Ella is a smart girl. :)

  8. Next time try this: mix 125g butter with 125g sugar, add 2 eggs and 1/2tsp vanilla essence and 2tbs milk, then 125g self raising flour. Makes 12 cupcakes or a cake, double the recipe if you want to make a 2 layer cake. Bake cupcakes for 15-20 min and cake until skewer comes out dry, under an hour usually. My family's favourite...and so simple, Ella could try it on her own!

  9. cake looks perfect! and your daughter is right, the icing/frosting is always the most important part to any cake:)

  10. Sharon, I absolutely love your blog. I don't know why - I'm 42, I don't have kids and I don't live in NYC. I think it's the sincere and funny voice that comes through when you write. The cake looks great, regardless of the taste!! (Love that series of cake paintings by Paul Ferney.) Keep up the great work!

  11. My mama used to say, never apologise in advance for your cooking mistakes. As long as it's edible - and yours is certainly pretty too! - often people won't notice. Love the Lilla Rogers x

  12. Your cake looks great, and now you've got me craving cake.

  13. LOVE this!!! I want to make this AND the Art too! :) Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy it when I catch up on your blog. I miss you! (btw, old blog is not, so new blog for me: CharityBlossoms.blogspot) Hugs!

  14. Your daughter is so sweet. Love the artwork and your cake looks gorgeous, too.


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