
Preparing the House for Summertime: Purge and Deep Clean

Time is running out to get rid of my kid's old toys and clothes. Today and tomorrow are the last two days of school!  After that, they'll be around to convince me to keep everything they own and even buy them more junk.  I've already filled three 30-gallon size trash bags. And then tomorrow: A person from MyClean.com is coming to deep clean my house (for my review).  I can't wait!

While they clean, I'll be enjoying my last day without kids. What should I do? Meet up with Rob for lunch? Wonder around MoMA? Get a pedicure? Coming home to a clean house will be a dream. I've never used a cleaning service! Post edit: Opps, I forgot. Actually I have! I hired someone to clean my apartment on the day we were leaving for a vacation.  Best idea ever! Coming home to a clean house after a long flight was ideal. :)    

Got to go! I've got trash bags to fill and chess pieces to find. I'm convinced I'll have a completed chess set by the end of the day.  Almost there. 

How do you prepare for summer break? This is the most I've ever done and I'm feeling very mature and responsible. I'll have to balance those feelings out by sitting on the counter and eating cookies for lunch. 

photos by Keith Pitts


  1. clean schmean those photos are beautiful

  2. cleaning is overrated. as for your last day of freedom: i say do it all! pedicure, lunch with hubby and a wonder wander around the MOMA. a perfect day if i ever heard one...

  3. Get a pedi, dry your toes at the MoMA with cookies in hand. It's a triple win.

  4. I think you'll need the cleaning service at the end of the summer vacations!! I'd go for a pedicure and lunch with your man and make the most of every minute sitting still the rest of the time as you won't find a minute for the next 12 weeks!!! Good luck.

  5. Being a teacher I do NOTHING to get ready for summer...except rejoice! But I do deep clean during June..(perhaps I should get on that) Hope whatever you decided was awesome!

  6. Get a pedicure and meet your hubs for lunch. LOVE getting my house cleaned while on vacation. Best clean ever... Went to China three yrs ago to adopt my daughter and had someone clean just the day before I got back. The house smelled amazing and newly FRESH crisp sheets on my soft bed. I was in heaven after spending three weeks in China sleeping on hard beds and interesting air.

  7. What a great idea! What do I do to prepare for summer? Stock up on sunscreen, and try to leave as much open time as possible. Lazy, unpredictable days are the best. By the way, I organized a SWAP with a group of friends. You might want to do that next time you are cleaning out house.

  8. That picture of the kids eating cookies is priceless! It's almost advertisement PERFECT. I like to relax in the summer and spend more time outside and less in the kitchen. I am currently going through the apartment and finding things to donate to Goodwill to lighten up.

  9. That last pic of your kids is fantastic - I love it! At the end of the year I go through a folder I keep throughout the school year and save all of the items I want to keep. They go (along with class pictures and report cards) in a folder that goes in a box that I keep for each child. Very satisfying and when we take the boxes down to put the new folder in, it's so much fun to look through old folders! Have a great summer!

  10. Ha ha, at first I thought YOU were doing the deep clean. When my third was a few months old, my husband suggested we hire a house cleaner (b/c things had gotten so very, very bad). We've never looked back, and not sure I could ever give it up. I love, love, love her. Now when my friends have a baby, I give them two hours of house cleaning by my house cleaner. They love it.

  11. Deep clean sounds like a PERFECT way to start or come back from a holiday. Our "thing" is to pack two days prior to leaving for our holiday, in order for us to chill and get a head start. So today, one day before we leave for Majorca, we'll be chilling with sushi and chilled rose! Totally relaxing (though yesterday chaos was taken to a whole new level! Argh)....

  12. I usually hire the Johannesburg based cleaning services for carrying out spring cleaning of my home in a perfect manner.

  13. The majority of people like hiring the professionals for spring cleaning, as it helps preparing the home for summers with complete ease.

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