
School Lunch Debate

When I was a kid I ate school lunch everyday. Didn't think much of it, it's just what I did. I've never been a picky eater, so I don't memories of being grossed out or overly delighted. I ate what I was served and that was that. One of the only options I was given at lunch was plain white milk or chocolate milk. I always chose chocolate. White milk tasted so boring, and I wondered why anyone would choose it. I think only one or two people in my class did. I used to think they were true weirdos.

Now as a mother, I have my kids eat school lunch, too. Except I've explained to them not to get the chocolate milk, only plain milk. After reading the ingredient list, I've decided plain milk is the way to go.  I realize it's ridiculous that I've chosen to demonize chocolate milk out of all the garbage they serve in the cafeteria, but that's where I draw the line.  I always find out when one of my kids gets a chocolate milk because they can't wait to tell me when I pick them up. Little stinks.  

Beyond that, Ella has decided that she doesn't like the sandwiches they serve on Wednesdays (she says they are always smashed!) and the whole wheat pizza served on Fridays. I understand the health benefits of whole wheat pizza crust, but living in NYC has turned her into a pizza snob. I applaud her for that so I pack her a lunch on those days.

That means twice a week, she gets a home lunch. To be honest, I like it better that way.  It's more work for me, but at least I know everything she's eating for lunch is fresh and healthy. I kind of wish I did this for her everyday because I'm fully aware that some of foods she's eating on school lunch days is filled with weird ingredients.

I have some piece of mind knowing that her school is trying to serve better food. Last week I was asked to take pictures for a special Wellness in the Schools event they were having in my kid's cafeteria. Among other things, this programs brings fresh food to the kids for lunch. Last week is was a beautiful strawberry salad picture above. The kids couldn't get enough of it. But see that self serve salad bar below? With all the hummus, fresh herbs, vegetables, and beans? It's there EVERYDAY. I had no idea. This takes the white vs. chocolate milk option to a new level.

After seeing this salad bar, I explained to Ella that most of her meal should come from here everyday, but ultimately the decision is hers. I like that because it makes our system of 2x week home lunch and 3x a week school lunch seem more useful that I planned.  On home lunch days I can model what a good lunch should look like and the other days she can decide for herself. Hopefully she'll figure it out on her own and make better choices then I did when I was a kid. And if not, who cares?! :)

How do you feel about about the lunch being served in your kid's school? I'm so ashamed that this was the first time I ever took a look. I think I didn't want to know in fear of what I would find. I was pleasantly surprised, but I would like to go back on a regular day to see what the lunch looks like when I'm not asked to take pictures of it. I'll report back.

3 more pictures of the lunch that inspired this post after the jump.


  1. have you seen this little girl in scotland posting a pic of her school lunch daily? its absolutely fascinating.


    I never thought much about it, I was a vegetarian my whole life (family/culture reasons) and my mom packed my lunch everyday except the occasional pizza fridays. School lunches are getting quite a bit of press! Lucky for Ella to have great options.

  2. at the school i work at, we all (as in teachers and pupils) eat lunch together. Each teacher has a table of pupils and we serve the food. This is the first time, as a teacher, I have not taken in packed lunches to school. I love the fact that it is one less thing ot think about, but it takes the choice away - and although they do there best (and there is a salad bar-although nothing quite as good as your children's school it seems)when cooking for so many people, it is not always the healthiest.

    saw the blog mentioned above-think even after Jamie Oliver-it is good for awareness, i am sure lots of parents don't know what their child eats everyday

  3. Holy cow that's an awesome school lunch, with the salad bar.

  4. In my high school they too had a salad bar, it was pretty good but they also had a candy shop and sold cookies, french fries, soda, and juice. I must admit, I do miss their cookies. I'm glad that schools are starting to phase out sodas and sugary juices.

    1. i know--we had a 3 for $1 on these Otis cookies that i ate just about everyday.

  5. I'm from Belgium, so I think we may have slightly different habits. My eldest daughter used to eat lunch at school. It was from the same caterer that served lunch in the school where I work. I didn't really like it, but that's because at home we're used to eat a lot of vegs and a lot of organic stuff. The food that was served is: meat+vegs+potatoes/rice and there's one meal per day ( say they can't choose). But because most of the time we eat vegs+ meat at night, this schoolyear we make a lunch at home. But in Belgium, when we make a lunch at home it's bread + cheese or meat, it doesn't really replace a hot meal ( because we eat the hot meal for dinner). I used to follow the blog " what's for schoollunch" and I was appalled to see what some schools serve in America...

  6. I was going to say the same thing! I love Never Seconds - such a great blog from such a young woman!

    1. yeah, i love her blog too. so interesting and well written for such a young person!

  7. I took my lunch every day until about 5th grade, and my mom was the same with the chocolate milk! Except I got to have it on Fridays - that way, she explained, if I got a tummy ache and was sick the next day I wouldn't be sick on a school day. Tricky mom, gullible me.

    1. love this. might start using it on my very gullible kids too :)

  8. This is incredible to me! I teach at an NYC public school, although in the Bronx, not the Upper West Side, and the disparity here is amazing. My students are served burnt pigs in a blanket, greasy corn cakes with string cheese, and frozen waffles soaked in maple syrup for breakfast. Their lunches are a rotation of taco meat served with a bag of tortilla chips, smashed hamburgers with fries and ketchup, fried chicken strips with tater tots, pizza bagels, and pulled pork sandwiches. They're usually offered one piece of mealy or underripe fruit and overcooked vegetables in copious amounts of butter or oil. I always assumed the school breakfasts and lunches were the same in all the city schools. What a dirty deal my kids get!

    1. I was going to say something similar. My local school in a non-affluent neighborhood in Brooklyn doesn't get served what the pictures above depict. My son is to start school next year and I've vowed to send him with homemade lunch. By the time school year's over he'll have his little arteries clogged, otherwise.

    2. yes, while i won't disclose the school my kids go to, i will say it's not an affluent school and it's not PS 87 hahahah! did you read the article in the Times about PS 87's PTA raising 1.5 million dollars for their school. wowza. they better be serving organic milk and grassfed beef to their students!

      from what i saw that day, the parents have done a really good job bringing in fresh food for the kids despite the lack of funds.

    3. That's another important point--parent involvement. Unfortunately, a lot of our schools have a lack of it.

  9. I had such a crazy relationship with food growing up. The school lunches in Texas were quite disgusting, but I LOVED THEM! Those ice cream scoop of mashed potatoes with that very gray gravy seemed so appetizing to me. I imagine my daughter and son will have many more choices, but probably a ton of junk too. I think 'we' have to be advocates to get and keep better choices in the schools (all schools!)

  10. I forgot my lunch the other day at work and happily went to the cafeteria to get me a slice of pizza just like the kiddos were getting that day. Needless to say it ruled and I think school lunch is pretty good!

    PS remember those bad ass slices of pizza they had at PCHS along with those heavenly rolls for like 25 cents. OFF THE CHAIN!

    1. oh my gosh. YES!! the best rolls ever. Otis Spunklmirerflkdjfkdslfks cookies were off the CHAIN too.

    2. didn't we have a joke about otis cookies? i can't remember for sure, but i think we did.

  11. Being served lunch at school is a new idea to me. I grew up in Canada, where that doesn't happen. My mum packed my lunch every day; except for Hot Dog days at school.

  12. looks like a fantastic lunch! just out of curiosity, where do your children attend school?

    1. thanks! and good question, but i'd rather not disclose their school. :)

  13. Girl - you rock at raising kids. I feel like you're so deliberate in what you do yet it all seems natural and effortless. Could you write a book please?

  14. My son does 3 days school, 2 days home lunch. My instructions are NO WAY to the burgers. One particular pizza is good, the other is apparently terrible. He likes the popcorn shrimp. He always eats carrots with whatever he chooses, and he does go for the chocolate milk !! At his school there is always a salad bar and fruit to choose as well as the hot dishes. For home lunch, I pack him fruit, carrots, crackers, cheese. etc. A good mix spread across the week I think.

  15. I am a stickler for good healthy food, so my kid rarely has pizza, etc. When she does, it's the really good stuff- no greasy cheese, the crust is not doughy- it's crusty. But she loves healthy food, so I think we are doing ok by her.

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  17. What school or neigborhood is the school in?

  18. school lunches are a topic close to me. the caterer at my kid's school is supposed to be 'so great.' but i'm not impressed. it's expensive and not all that! i send a lunch most days. it's more work for me, but i'm willing to do it to limit the salt, grease, processed foods out of my kids! check out my pintrest board on the topic if you are looking for a fresh idea. http://pinterest.com/abowlfullofsimp/snack-and-lunch-ideas/


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