
Taking Field Trips with My Kids

photos by Keith Pitts

Another field trip today. This time to the beach with Oscar's class! The forecast? RAIN.

I had the misconception that field trips were a requirement of stay-at-home moms because, really, what else are they doing allll day? Yeah, I apologize for that judgement. Next year I'm limited my field trip attendance to one per kid. First of all, because I secretly don't like going on them. I love to take my kids on adventures, but adding 20+ kids to the mix stresses me out. Especially the bus ride. I loathe the bus. Second of all, my house needs a scrubbing. Seriously, the last time it was clean was for this photo shoot

Do you like going on field trips with your kids? I'm having mom guilt over this . . . 


  1. Don't feel bad at all -- 20+ kids would make anyone feel overwhelmed!

  2. as a teacher-DO NOT feel bad. i too am not a fan of the journeys and now try to just switch off a little...

  3. I think some field trips are easier than others:) When my kids' field trips consists of a going to a play, it's pretty easy:) I think it's easy once the kids get older too (again...depending on what type of the field trip:). I know a lot of teachers that don't like to go on field trips...don't feel bad:)

  4. NO! i dread field trips! and feel like its my job since i stay at home. they are so draining and even harder when you have a list a mile long of things to do, UGH!

  5. I also HATE them. I also stay home and felt I must go. My oldest is 10 and he told me this year he would not like for me to go. It was too embarrassing to have his mom there. I should have been sad that he had reached another milestone and wanted independence from me. Rally, I was so happy to have an excuse to cross one set of field trips off the to do list. So sorry teacher, I would say, Alex requested that I not attend. Kids, what can you do?! Don't tell that I was relieved...

  6. I get nervous about losing other people's kids during field trips but other than that, I like them. The kids in my daughter's class (who is also named Ella!) crack me up and it's fun to have a little peek into her day that I wouldn't otherwise see. With that being said, I am DRAINED afterwards and have little to no patience left at the end of the day. BUT! Only the kids ride on the bus. If I had to go on there I think I would have a whole different outlook on them! Don't feel guilty-I kinda hate parks so I feel like we're even!

  7. I love taking my kids on field trips!


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