
Scooter Fail

ella took this picture of me getting ready
Last night I was riding my scooter because I wanted to get to my apartment quicker. I was booking it in my favorite brown dress. It was just starting to rain and I was feeling more excited as I was nearing my house. I was almost home! I was going to miss the rain! By the time I was about 10 feet from my door,  something forced me to come to a quick screeching halt. I should have known. My dress was so tangled in the back wheel of the scooter.  I ended up carrying my scooter attached to my dress into my apartment building. Not to mention the 4 backpacks I was holding for the kids.

As I untangled the dress, I discovered the huge hole I just created. I pretty sure it's ruined, at least from the back. Looks great in the front still! 

It's just a dress, I know. But it kind of feels like everything in my life is getting all tangled up lately. I'm struggling to get everything done.  I'm either reaching my limit or over committing or not pushing myself enough. Do I just get used to this feeling?

I need to work out a routine to give my life more order. It would make everything so much easier. But, uggg. A routine. Such a drag. 


  1. Seriously, the work/life balance is so hard. When I was staying home, I was going nuts. Now I'm working full time at a publishing company and I feel crazy and tired all the time. You can never win!

  2. Do you have a good seamstress? Maybe you could just shorten it? I think that dress would still be cute at knee length!

    I think everyone knows this feeling. I know I struggle with it. But I am sure that a lot of things will fall into place more as you get more used to the new job, etc. I know you have felt this way in the past--when you moved, when you had twins! Life throws a lot of curve balls and sometimes it takes a little more time to shake yourself off and learn to deal with what you've got at any given time.

  3. I'm sorry about the dress, it's such an awful feeling to have your favorite dress ruined.

  4. I found your blog through a link today. And to my surprise the very first post mirrors the sentiments I've been feeling lately as well. There are times I feel on top of things. I'm Superman; bring it on! And there are other times I feel untethered, unorganized and vulnerable. Those days I don't want to leave the house and I wonder "When will this feeling end?" Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I too say see if you can hem it! I think it would be gorgeous knee length (and still work appropriate...aaaand you could pair it with tights in the cooler months).

    I'm sorry that you're feeling down. :( Life is weird sometimes - just when you think you got it down, boom! Also, new jobs are stressful even if you're not coming from being a SAHM, so I'm sure balancing the kiddos makes it even harder.

  6. Make it a midi instead of a maxi! I love that picture!



  7. Welcome to the life of a working full time mom with young children. I stayed at home for 5 years with my babies, went back to work full time for 4 years and now I have decided to head back home...my key is be organized. Pack backpacks the night before, lay out tomorrow's clothes and do 5 extra minutes of tidying the house to make the next morning run smoother...it is a busy life!

  8. Oh no!!! I love that dress on you, it fits you perfect. I agree with the other posters, try to shorten it. Sometimes life has a crappy way of telling us to slow down a little.

  9. welcome to the working world

  10. Oh Sharon, you always know how to put into words what everyone is feeling! One minute we feel we aren't doing enough, the next minute we are overwhelmed and crazy! I know that's how I feel! I say give it time and a few pay checks and you will be feeling better about things. :)

    I totally agree with you about routines. I always think, "I'm a grown up, I do what I want, when I want!" Uh, no. Routines get things done, as much as I hate to admit it. :(

    Oh and keep calling that cleaning service, nothing pushes me over the edge faster than coming home to dirty house after working my a$$ all day!

    Good luck, I know you can do this! You are an inspiration to us all! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Well said, Katie!

    2. yes, i agree. love this comment. especially the part about the paychecks. i can't wait!!

  11. Hiya! I've been meaning to say congrats on the job- I'm an NYC mom and I've been following your blog for a while and saw you got your 'dream' job a few weeks ago. Your post on how you willed (and worked) your job into being was so very inspiring. You GO! Sounds like you're having new job craziness, but I'm sure it will settle down. Totally sad about your dress though! I love how relatable your post are by the way. Hope you can keep blogging while writing at Elizabeth St :-)

    1. thanks for all the nice comments. yep-- i still plan on blogging while i'm at elizabeth street. my husband mentioned that i've been mentioning ES in every post. it's like it's my newborn baby and i can't stop talking about it. haha

    2. Agree, I hope you can keep blogging while writing too!

  12. sorry about the dress. bummer. but so RAD to picture you zipping through manhattan all super mom with your backpacks. love it!
    sounds like you need a mellow day to regroup. sunday? things will get in a groove before you know it. routines aren't bad, they help shape our days. a routine will end up giving you more enjoyable moments. good luck!

  13. you could try putting a back overlay (running from the waist) over it? you could patch the hole from behind, then have a separate piece of material attached at the waist floating loose (kinda like a cape)...would be a cool silhouette, but very hard to spot the hole. just a thought!

  14. Oh man, I am with you. I just went back to work with an 11 week old at home with the nanny, and so I know that rushing home feeling. I don't think it will get any easier as he gets older. Feeling like I have nothing to wear but leggings (that will fit me) makes me feel even more discombobulated.

  15. Having raised my children in a different time, I see all of you working moms and my heart restricts. What you get done is impressive and totally exhausting! A routine will help. I had dinner with my 8 months pregnant daughter who has a five year old and an incredibly difficult 60+ hour a week job. Her routines make the military pale! Routines help her to have time for fun. Think about the playtime you'll be buying, it just might afford you some grace.
    PS...you are amazingly creative and energetic, this is all going to fall into place. The old you will morph into a new version of you, grieve the old you while reaching to embrace the new one! It just won't be as it was.

  16. yes, me too. thanks for making me feel like i'm not alone out there.

  17. You're not alone!!! I'm not even married and don't have kids and I feel the same way. You are amazing for all the things you accomplish, even when you may not feel like you are accomplishing anything. At the end of the day, as long as your family is happy that's all you need.

    LOVE the dress story, because that was actually me grocery shopping the other day and my long skirt kept getting stuck in the trolley wheel.

    Thanks for being so real!!

  18. I guess this goes with some grit scooters also. You should make sure that it is fixed (if any parts have been broken befre) and check for brakes and gas functions too.


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