
Election DAY!

half the line at my voting site. i'll be back later? 
A conversation I had with a woman from my kid's school yesterday:

Her: I'm surprised religion hasn't played a bigger part in the election.
Me:  I was thinking the same thing. They could have really worked that angle! There's some good material that's been totally wasted! 
Her: Right--like Romney seems like he doesn't really like women.   
Me: Yeah, I get that.  To me he seems like the typical nice family friendly obedient mormon guy, though. 
Her (in all seriousness): I know! I'm surprised he doesn't have more than one wife.
Me: Oh, we stopped doing that over a hundred years ago.
Her: Reallllly?
Me: (Forehead slap)

Have fun at the polls today! I went down to my voting site and noticed the line wrapped around the block. I'll try again later. Maybe. If nothing else, the eavesdropping will be worth it!  


  1. Hahahhaha. Shoot! That's the worst (and the best). I love the photo though.

  2. WOW! What a line but I'm so thrilled to see us taking our responsibility seriously.

  3. That's awesome! I'm not super into politics, but there is something exciting about Election Day.

  4. Really? I don't know of anyone who seriously thinks Mormons still do that... although, that really did happen, so it always amuses me when Mormons get offended at even the mention of it. I mean, Brigham Young and Joseph Smith made some interesting choices to say the least. That all said, Mormons are some good people today!

    1. I live in Salt Lake City, so everyone assumes I'm Mormon even though I'm not (when I told people I knew I was moving here even they asked me!It's surprising how many people don't know the difference between LDS and FLDS. The church here has had to keep stressing the difference because of the Warren Jeffs case.

  5. Maybe??? Sharon, you must vote. Unless you're voting for Romney. Then you can stay home! ;)

    1. haha love this comment. i voted for obama.

    2. YAAAAY! Your readers are proud!

  6. Religion AND politics on a public blog? You are a brave women!!

  7. Surprised to find out you are mormon, i truly had no idea. Most " Mormon Mommy Bloggers" have the ' we believe' link on their profiles. Intrigued and pleased to see you voted for Obama :)

  8. Maybe it's just the ones who put the 'we believe' link on their profile that you know are "Mormon Mommy Bloggers" :)

  9. This picture looks... totally different than my voting place, ha. I got there with a four-year-old and a baby in a stroller expecting to be in and out within minutes (as it had been four years ago), but it was total chaos (fights included and all). It was such a pain, but finally managed to vote. My four-year-old was excited about it, though. He wanted to help.

  10. i'm not a mormon, but my best friend is, and she's getting married in december. i'm so happy for her. and my other friends worried about that her future husband has other wives. i mean, people come on! we live in hungary, it's not a common religion here, but please. it's on wikipedia! information is power.

  11. i don't know. as an australian, i find the notion that religion should be part of politics really scary. and i don't know about romney and being family friendly. i suppose to the extent that his views on rape were family friendly he was... (sorry, even if you were being tongue in cheek i couldn't resist!)

  12. I didn't even know you were mormon! I think people are way too concerned with religion as a part of politics in our country. We have so much diversity in our nation, we should just accept that and not judge people by their religion but by who can make the best decisions for us. People of the same religion are all so different anyway, it's not like a cookie cutter set of beliefs, which is great! Glad you were able to vote, even with the long lines!

    1. yes--good points! your blog cracks me up--where are the posts?!?! haha

    2. haha I started it and then decided I didn't have time for it right now! oops. Maybe someday.

  13. As A French, i aslo can hardly undersatnd wyhy religion is such important in politics in the United States...and also, do you think it would be possible to have a president who is a non-believer?

    1. I think that one of the reasons religion is considered important in politics in the United States because many people equate religion with morality. I also think that if more people recognized that it is possible to be a moral person without identifying with a particular religious group (as well as the opposite - that it is possible to have loose morals while identifying with a religious group), religion would cease to be so important in political discourse. (This is NOT to say that all religious people think anyone void of religion is an amoral heathen!)

    2. yes! shout it from the roof tops! love it: "I also think that if more people recognized that it is possible to be a moral person without identifying with a particular religious group (as well as the opposite - that it is possible to have loose morals while identifying with a religious group) religion would cease to be so important in political discourse. "

  14. Haha, I am actually surprised people did not realize you are Mormon. I am Mormon and have been reading your blog for a while, and definitely noticed the Mormon hints. You once had a post where your husband was writing a talk for church. And similar posts about your kids writing talks for church. I guess this wouldn't be obvious to someone who was not Mormon. :) I think that people don't realize how many progressive mormons are around. Loved the post!

    1. thanks! and yeah--progressive is an understatement. ;)

  15. you voted for Obama?! I'm so happy! You are such a 'cool mormon' :D

  16. I imagine you probably don't want to get into this on your blog, but I would be really curious to learn more about what it's like to be both rather progressive and a Mormon. It seems like that could be really challenging to negotiate, especially as a woman.

    1. last may, i listened to a podcast called Middle Way Mormonism and Women. It was so refreshing to here woman talk about their frustrations with patriarchy not only in the church, but in the world. Got me reevaluating my faith and where I stand within Mormonism. I'm still a work in progress. :) Listen to the podcast if your interested in hearing woman, who like me, love the church but know the institution is flawed and has things i flat out don't agree with :)

    2. Half an hour into it now and it's super interesting, thanks for sharing!

  17. OHHH YOU ARE A NAIVE MORMON WIFE! Actually read about Romney - he does nothing for Women. And same with the Mormon faith. Mormons are still very connected to the polygamy, which you should know.

    1. i agree. it's sad that a lot of men (especially in business and religion) do nothing for women. let's change that! one way is by empowering women on their business endeavors instead of criticizing them.

  18. I may be wrong, not being a mormon myself, but isn't one of the misconceptions about Mormons and polygamy in part due to the current theology--that in heaven, families are polygamous? (for example, a widowed man can be remarried in the temple, and expect to be joined to both wives (or more if he was widowed multiple times) in the heavenly kingdom? A woman who is widowed, however, cannot be remarried in the temple because she cannot practice polyandry in heaven. So theologically, polygamy still holds a very substantial place in Mormon doctrine. Thoughts? I'm genuinely curious! How do progressive Mormons reconcile beliefs about polygamy here and hereafter?

    1. yeah, good questions. i've heard of this idea. my thoughts: anytime a religion/person starts claiming they know exactly whats going to happen in the afterlife, i start to become really skeptical. instead, i like to focus my attention on the basic mormon values of love and family.

      i'm curious to see how it all works out in the end. :)


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