
Health Coach Update

 how many days until it's thanksgiving again? 
I've mention I started a three month program with holistic health coach Jared Vaughn from Helios Health and Wellness a while ago.  As a result of following Jared's advice to eat a more plant based diet, I've lost ten pounds in six weeks. I'm down to 135. People have started to comment on my new look, I feel great, and my shopping trip on Saturday was the best I've had in awhile. All the work and changes I've made are starting to show. But still, my motivation to eat whole plant based foods has been waning. I can even pinpoint the moment: Thanksgiving dinner.  

That night I was reintroduced to bread and butter and cream. I forgot how much I love those things. What was suppose to be a one meal indulgence, has turned into a week long affair. I'm up a few pounds. No big deal. I'm more worried about that whole who gives a damn! attitude I have about food. Plus my stomach feels heavy and bloated. I don't feel as good when I wake up in the morning.  I talked with Jared about it last night. He's so motivating. While his advice is simple, I've been so resistant to follow it.

Jared's been asking me for weeks to write a food/mood journal as a tool to connect positive and negative feelings to what I eat, and as well as be accountable to myself and to him. I've done one before, but it seems so compulsive/obsessive.  A few years ago when I was working with a dietitian, I carried a small notebook with me and wrote everything down as I ate. Six months ago I found an app and took pictures of everything I ate. Psycho.

Instead, Jared suggested I take 5 minutes to jot down my food/mood at the end of the day. Doing it at once at night seems less crazy. Plus, he lives across the country, so it's the only way for him to monitor my progress and make tweaks in my diet. I understand. I'm committing to writing everything down for a week and sending him an email at the end of the day.  I made good with my promise today, including that large handful of chocolate chips I mindless ate while talking to my sister on the phone.  I'm sure she adored listening to my lips smacking.

Have you ever kept a food/mood journal? Isn't it so weird and embarrassing?! Writing my mood comes easy to me, but food? Oh, I don't even want to know.

FYI: While Jared Vaughn is a family friend, I paid to join his three month program and enjoy telling you about my progress. I even took hideous before pictures! ha Click here to learn more about his approach, click here for a FAQ, and click here for recipes (my new favorite). 
i had one of each. my favorite was the maple cream pie on the far right. the crust omg. 
licking the fresh whipped cream out of the bowl is the best. they hit up the Chocolate Reddi Wip next. i joined them.


  1. I'm right there with you on the "I don't really care what I eat" train. I've been stress eating like crazy and I'm not quite sure how to buck that habit. I know I just need to stand up and say no but I really don't want to. Thanks for sharing your plan of action. I'll have to look into it and see if it'd work for me.

    1. Good luck! if you want some more motivation, I'll probably be tracking my food on the Eatery App this weekI (https://eatery.massivehealth.com/) I think we can somehow follow each other if you want to join, but I think we have to be facebook friends? Not sure. Anywho, thought I'd put the idea out there.

  2. Since April I have been working with a trainer..including food...I have lost 57 lbs...Thanksgiving almost did me in...dang pie...but I am back to being "appropriate" lol...It is hard...now my next demon is cookie baking for Christmas! Have you ever used My Fitness Pal app? It is pretty good!

    1. wait, what?! 57 lbs?!!? That's amazing. Congratulations. I don't think I've used Fitness Pal. I'll have to check it out.

  3. Ugh. I know and understand the weight battle! I've slowly been creeping upwards! My boyfriend and I had a discussion about it today. I used to be 135, and now I'm 165!?! A couple of years ago I blogged about getting fit and staying in shape, and I called it "bringing sexy back". Well, since moving to Australia last year, sexy seems to have left me. You've inspired me to get back on the bandwagon! Thanks!

    1. Good luck! I *might* resort to using the app called The Eatery (https://eatery.massivehealth.com/. I think we can somehow follow each other if you want to join. Don't know exactly how though. I'll look into it.

  4. OK, I just sent them an e-mail! The timing of this was perfect!


  5. I've used my fitness pal before, and I liked it. Basically, it was the snacking that was killing me. I gained almost 20 lbs in 2010 (I must have eaten goooood), but I'm down 13 lbs. It's the drinking that gets me too, but I won't give up my red wine!

    All that being said, I know i'm really lucky with my metabolism, because I still eat heavy meals. Sometimes I wonder how skinny I could get just eating 1500 cal/day, but....man, I'd be a bitch. :P I looooove food.


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