
Childhood in December

Yesterday when my kids were driving me nuts, I remembered I'm dealing with people who believe an Elf travels from our apartment to the North Pole every night. They believe this regular doll comes to life, like in the movies, and has a brain and a voice!

And beyond all this, they see brown shipping boxes around the house. I'm so careless about hiding them. And yet, they still believe Santa is bringing them gifts, not Amazon. One of the packages even had the label on the outside, completely giving the present inside away. Ella read it and said, "Oh! The boy's scooters!" I shrugged it off. Later when she confronted me about it, I told her it's the box for my new Christmas scooter. It was, but she didn't question whether the box also contained the boy's too. It's so adorable.

So I'm trying to give my kids a little slack when they wake up at 6:30am asking for donuts. Or when they walk so slow down the sidewalk. Or get so silly they can't sleep at night. I'm trying to remember, the world, to them, is filled with magic.
Photos by the talented Mark Abernathy. So lucky to have him as a friend! Another amazing portrait he took of my boys here.  


  1. I love that your kids drive you nuts. Mine do too but no one ever admits it! I've been trying to teach my 3 y/old about Elf on the Shelf & how he flies back to report on his behaviour to Santa each night to which he replied "don't be silly Mummy, he's a toy!" At least your kids believe in magic lol

  2. What a sweet post! Childhood is so magical.

  3. what a sweet post. i love those little guys.

  4. Love this post, Sharon. Keep up the good work! :)

  5. You're such an understanding mom! I love it. I hope th kids are able to believe in magic in more years to come.

  6. Beautiful post Sharon - miss you!

  7. Sharon, I don't even know you and I love you! Your posts are just so down to earth and natural, this one especially. Thanks for being so authentic...your kids are lucky to have you as their mom!

  8. I love your outlook! I'm going to try to approach my Ella (she's 6) this way. :)

  9. This is so perfect for me today! Thank you..

  10. You're a great Mom!

  11. I think this year might be the last year Annabelle (age 5) believes in Santa. Oh, she's a believer. But this year she's asking so many thoughtful questions, I do my best to answer them (read: LIE) but I can tell the wheels are turning. Especially when a kid in her kindergarten class told her it's all fake. I'm going to be bummed when she realizes the magic is pretend.

    I'm impressed Ella still believes! It's wonderful!

  12. great post. kids do believe in magic and sometimes i wish i could capture that magic too.

  13. I have just stumbled upon your blog and I tear up all the time.

    I am having such a hard time at the moment juggling work, raising our 3 yr old boy and all the rest of it, it is such a HUGE relief to read about how your kids drive you nuts at times, and how you lose your patience and snap at them sometimes.

    Thank you for your candor.
    Perhaps I am not a terrible mother, just human.


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