
Staying Motivated to Exercise

picture reused from this old boston post. i just reread it and cracked up. did i think i was a tour guide or something?!

I have a gym membership I never use. My running shoes have been pushed to the back of my closet. I even bought all three episodes Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred so I wouldn't have to leave the house to exercise. I've done each episode once. At first I blamed the weather, but then realized it wasn't that. I just have no desire right now.

So I reached out to Janae of The Hungry Runner Girl for some tips to get motivated to exercise. I couldn't think of a better person to ask. In 2012, not only did she give birth to a beautiful baby girl, but seven weeks later she ran a PR at the San Jose Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon. My goodness, I hope 2013 isn't a huge let down for her! haha But seriously, how did she have the energy to do all that? Way to go.

Out of the five tips she gave me, my favorite was sign up for a race. It helps her to have an event to train for. Plus, she hates to waste money on a race she's not prepared to run. Makes sense. I know for a fact I would have never ran so much last year if it wasn't for the marathon. But I'm ready to try something new. Anyone training for a non-running event?

Thanks Janae for taking the time to write the five tips! Your story is so motivating.


  1. I hear you, so easy to fall off the exercise wagon! I got my first real pair of running shoes last year and got completely hooked until it got just too hot for me to hack it, and then when it cooled down again I just sort of forgot that I run. Weird how that happens. Back into it this week though, already went twice (so sore!) and I'm doing some Insanity abs and some (annoying but effective) Tracy Anderson arms and I swear this year I'm gonna keep it up. I love the idea of signing up for a race but am totally intimidated since I'm so new to running. We should form some sort of online support group, right?


  2. Have you considered a sprint distance triathlon? I'd consider equivalent to a 1/2 marathon in effort but you can mix up your training more. They're so fun!

  3. totally right-signing up for races are great. there are so many to choose from in the states, however, logistically it is harder when you are a mum of 3. i also go through phases of buying the DVDs..they usually stay in the wrapper though!!

  4. In March, I am participating in Cycle for Survival. It is another fundraiser for MSKCC and 100% of the money raised going directly to research on rare cancers. It is an indoor spinning event. You register for a bike and can have up to 8 people for one bike. We did it last year and it is such an amazing experience. I have two children that are patients at MSKCC so its my way to give back. I spin 3 times a week, which is much more than I would be doing on my own! If you fill up your bike you will only spin for 30 minutes or so but its worth it!

  5. I wish reading your blog burned as many calories as running.

  6. The motivation is always the hardest part for me! I go through phases of dedication and then totally fall of the wagon. If you're interested in a workout/event buddy, I'm in NYC and would love to "team" up. Drop me a line:)

  7. Hi Sharon! What else do you like to do? I am running a snowshoe 10k race the end of the month...it is in the U.P. of Michigan. What do you like to do? Triathlons and duathlons are fun and provide a lot of variety. Or you could do a different kind of running race. I've done the Ragnar Relay for three years and that is a blast. I started cycling and that has provided a lot more variety to my workouts and races. I have ran forever and it has been fun to incorporate new things...like spin tonight!

    Today I posted about sweating at home. I've always had success with it...especially if I schedule it in the morning.

    xo dina

  8. Thanks for your honesty. Don't blame you for not wanting to work out in cold weather.. yikes. I haven't run a marathon but I've done some halves and realize how important having time to rest and work up the energy (mental and physical) to start training for a new race/thing.


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