
Who Knows the Nose You'll Get and Other Meaningless Things

I look 14-years-old in this picture from open mic night. Just about the age my nose grew in. I always wonder if my kids will get it when they hit puberty. Actually, I'm giddy with excitement to find out. I'm used to mine now, sort of. The other day an ad popped up with before and after pics of someone who got a nose job. The results are always staggering from the profile, and I start to wonder what it would be like to chisel off an inch. But then from the front view, the results are so minimal. I always feel like they look the same. And then I realize it would be such a waste. I'd rather take a trip to Italy. I just googled "italian woman painting profile" and found my twin as captured by Leonardo de Vinci. Don't need much more validation than that. And even though mine still slightly larger than hers, I'll keep it.
images from Study of a Woman's Head
Keep reading to see a picture of me with a button nose . . . .

Who knows where this nose went? 

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  1. Your nose looks perfectly fine, I don't find it even a little bit big, it suits you! I myself think that my nose looks different from each side, but people keep assuring me it looks the same from both sides and that I shouldnt worry. You see yourself different and more critical than other people. I'm sure Ella wouldnt mind a bit if she turned out looking like her gorgeous Mom!!

    Lots of love

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  3. I have a long nose too, and I love it. It makes me me. I think mine grew in about the same time as yours. I had a button nose as a kid too, but in the seventh grade, a kid told me I had a witch nose. Rude. I had no idea. But I just brushed it off and have been fine with mine ever since. And I think your nose is beautiful. You can see a pic of my profile from my blog (nickischmidt.blogspot.com) here:

  4. I love your nose! It's still feminine and proportional to your face, but it's strong enough that you look powerful and legit rather than child or birdlike :)

  5. I actually wish I had a nose like yours. Mine is short and stumpy LOL Guess no matter what you have, you gotta learn to flaunt it right? (:

    & that painting is a total twin.

  6. I have an Italian nose also, I've grown to feel comfortable even though sometimes people can be rude. Button noses are cute too, I think everyone's differences are beautiful. I don't have kids yet, but my hubs(Roger) has more of a short nose. So I always wonder how our kids are going to look also because I had a button nose as a kid. Teeeheee. :) You're beautiful BTW!

  7. I had always hated my nose ever since I was thirteen. It was my Dad's nose and I could see his getting bigger and bigger as he aged and feared the same for mine. But when I was 37 I finally got the courage to have rhinoplasty. And it was the best thing I have ever done!! I feel so much better about myself when I look in the mirror. It was a tough decision to make and it was a tough week after surgery but I would do it all over again.

  8. i'm TOTALLY there with you about noses. i feel like mine is just huge & pointy & i generally just feel like a rhino. i know how you feel, a million times i know how you feel!

  9. I love your nose, it's cute and there isn't a huge bump or large for your face.

  10. I like your nose! I have button nose, and think it's too bulbous and makes me look way younger than I am (and not in a good way). I remember growing up, I envied Barbra Steisand and Jewel's noses, which remind me of your nose.

  11. I like your nose! I have button nose, and think it's too bulbous and makes me look way younger than I am (and not in a good way). I remember growing up, I envied Barbra Steisand and Jewel's noses, which remind me of your nose.

  12. Your nose is fine! A perfect ski-slope!

  13. I like your nose! I have grown to like my "roman" nose...i used to have a button too, my mom always says she never saw it coming...But I have a long face so I think a small nose would look weird! Yay for embracing our differences!

  14. I just love this kind of nose. It gives such a personality and elegance.

  15. same thing happened to me! i think my son is going to have to deal with the same fate:)

  16. Your nose is just fine!!! Really!!! Forget about the nose job!
    Why don't you see how beautiful you are!?
    And you have a great personality!
    And you are fun to ready!
    And thanks for your blog! :-)

  17. Amanda Bynes needs to get her nose fixed.

  18. I think your nose is gorgeous! This post reminded me of how Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing had her nose done, and became practically unrecognisable. http://plasticsurgerybeforeandafter.blogspot.com.au/2009/12/jennifer-grey-nose-job.html

  19. You have a sweet spirit:)lol

    1. You have a large nose and a sweet spirit:)jk:)lol

    2. ...and boats:)lol Can you tell I'm in a goofy mood? Have a great day,beautiful lady!

  20. You have a lovely nose! I hate mine, it has a little ridge in it that always makes people think it's been broken! Leads to awkward silences when I say it hasn't been! ;)


  21. Oh please! Don't be dumb. Your profile is elegant and you're lovely. Trade you.

  22. I hate my nose too! I always go through phases of wanting a nose job then chastising myself for my ridiculousness. My husband has the most perfect nose (but big ears) and my little girl has the most divine ickle nose. Hope it lasts! I guess no one is eve 100percent happy...except maybe Miranda Kerr

  23. i recently had an ultrasound for my impending little girl and everyone has commented "oh she already has your nose" yes it's true i'm giving birth to a baby with a prominent profile for sure! my son on the other hand has a button nose, but will be doomed by the time he his puberty with the same fate as his mom and dad :)

  24. I still have my button nose, that's why I find that people with long noses much more interesting. Your nose definitely gives you character! and yay for Italy over surgery, yep, anytime!!

  25. When I see photos of myself I think I'd love to get a nose job too. Then I think about what botched nose jobs look like and how much I'd regret it if I ended up with something worse than I have.

  26. i did not realize how similar you and ella look. that last picture could totally be her.

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