
Staying Home All Day in NYC: My Last Resort

Since moving to the city, staying home all day is usually my last resort. My apartment has limited sunshine (except at 5am--great light then), no outdoor space, and my couch smells weird. After living here a few years, I forgot staying home is a valid option. Our vacation rental had enough bathrooms, televisions, and light switches to keep us occupied all day long without stepping foot in a car. Not to mention a pool and enough outdoor space to play with a huge parachute (20-Feet) pictured above. I shipped it out to Florida before we left. Now that I'm back, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. Maybe we'll bust it out in Central Park and invite random local kids to join us. While I would prefer to parachute my afternoon away with my extended family and old friends in Florida, there's also something magical about experiencing life with people I've just met. I'm glad to be home.
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  1. I bet you'll be the cool mom at the park with the parachute. Every elementary kids favorite gym day was parachute day! So pointless but so fun, like most of the best things in life.

  2. I love Ella's mustache:)

    1. Ha! I thought the same thing! Miss you guys!!

  3. The parachute will definitely be a hit at all of the parks here in NYC! My nieces are coming today from Tampa for their first visit to New York- I am so excited! I predict we will be spending a lot of time in Central Park over the next several days...

  4. Well, just let me know when you'll be at the park and I'll bring my 5-year-old and 20-month-old. We'll be random strangers that will love to play with the parachute. :D

  5. The parachute never gets old! I used to teach junior high girls, and even the grade nine students were so excited when I pulled it out.
    (Hope you had a relaxing holiday, but glad to see you're back and posting!)

  6. Definitely take it to Central Park! We took our kite to the park this weekend and people were asking to join!

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