
Around Here Since I Got a Full-Time Job

I'm still working full-time doing data entry for a website. Here's how the first week went down in the my home:

Day One: I got this.

Day Two: House is unrecognizable. Entire family resorts to leaping over everything. Scooters, books, jackets, backpacks all create a sort of obstacle course. Things start disappearing. Owen's school shoes are missing. Pencils are no where to be found.

Day Three: Blur.

Day Four: Laundry has completely run out. Rob and I are spot cleaning kids' uniforms and spraying everything with Febreze. Dirty socks for all. I walk the kids to school commando-style in my favorite pair of jeans until I can slip into a CVS for some quality underwear. Mildly surprised with their selection. Buy a 3-pack of Hanes to last until the weekend. Change later.

Day Four: I feel like a Cathy cartoon. Ponder growing my bangs out to better resemble her.

Day Five: By now I've listened to every podcast ever made. I remember none of them. I know a scientist stopped light in an atom but I have no idea how. I also know a slinky hovers in the air before falling, but forget why. And some guy finds bliss from a bag filled with cheese curls, mentos, and a chocolate bar after traveling where for 86 days? Facts get mixed up when I try to tell Rob about everything I'm learning. Slinky stops light beams by hovering. No. Cheese curls and atoms are the ultimate bliss? Who knows.

Day Six and Seven: The weekend! Spend 3 hours cleaning my bedroom. Fill up one trash bag with candy wrappers. Sleep Sunday away. Decline invitations to see friends. Stay in jammies both days.

Day Eight: Finally do laundry. 3 Loads: The essentials.

Day Nine: I got this.

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  1. Keep at it! And maybe wait to grow out your bangs until work settles down? Growing out bangs is always a little stressful.

  2. That a girl! You are doing great! Pretty soon you will get a pay check and you will be able to spend a large portion of it on a house cleaner and laundry services!

  3. Hilarious! And oh so true. I've been working full time with two small kids for a year now and vacillate wildly between feeling like I'm doing it all and being buried alive.

  4. Love this as always, you got this! ("feel like a Cathy Cartoon" = made my morning.)

  5. Bwahahahaha! I love this. Good for you, Sharon. And well done on raising a family that can roll with the punches. That is admirable! xo

  6. Amazing. So know exactly how you're feeling. If only having kids came with a built in housekeeper!

  7. Always get a good laugh from your posts! Good luck with day 9+!

  8. You're listening to Radiolab ;-) Cheese curls did equal bliss for that guy. It's my favorite podcast, but I listen while in the car or on the elliptical. I imagine it's a bit brain breaking in huge doses. You'll figure it out, you're pretty awesome!

  9. So honest and awesome. You're totally doing it!

  10. I really enjoy your blog, but I have to say that this post is a little ridiculous. I understand, sometimes I have moments that I am overwhelmed but you're simply doing what working moms do all of the time. I guess if this is long term, you'll learn to manage other things along with work. I don't mean to sound mean, I've experience both sides, working and staying home...

    1. Would you prefer that she pretends that everything is always sunshine and roses like most other mom bloggers? I certainly wouldn't. There are going to be things in your life that you find difficult while it's other peoples everyday reality... does that make it ridiculous? I don't think so.
      I am a full-time mom, I am also a student, and it took a few months to strike a balance of having a good home, work, study life. Other people do it all the time, but it was still a challenge for me. Now things are okay and we all *usually* have clean socks to wear.
      Lighten up Anonymous.

  11. I think that's the point, Anonymous I: sometimes life just gets ridiculous for working moms. Kudos to all who manage it!

    I did data entry for a year. I often dreamt I was swimming in a literal sea of spreadsheets. I watched a ton of mindless TV on Netflix to cope. All 7 seasons of Mad About You. No shame. Good luck with it all, Sharon!

  12. Sounds like my life; except for laundry, I do a load everyday, but ignore the rest until the weekend (I love clothes and doing laundry is the only housechore I like!) Most of my friends don't have a job, and their houses are spotless; needless to say we hang out at theirs, not mine! Just do your best, and remember, no one's last words are going to be "if only I had spent more time cleaning!!" Courage!

  13. yikes.
    It's just week one.. give it a few more and you will get this!

  14. Absolutely love this blog.

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  16. I'm super curious about how you got hooked up with a full-time, at home data entry job that isn't a scam. That's exactly what I'm looking for as I'm between degrees and studying French from home. Do you mind sharing about your job?

  17. laughing out loud.

    A. I listened to that Fresh Air podcast about Bliss
    B. Gonna buy undies from CVS
    C. Do your kids smell like fresh car upholstery after spraying them with Febreze?

  18. Yes, loved that! Hysterical. I'm so comforted by the struggles of other and it helps me to remember that there are so many in the same (sort of) boat.

  19. OMG I just laughed until I cried. I love reading your blog, it always makes me smile! I hope the second week went better!

  20. Wow! What a cool post it is. I really like you gallery of sunsets very much.


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