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Cut in a circle shape for a scrapbook. Oh la la so clever. |
This is one of the last pictures I took with my mom. She took out her oxygen tubes just long enough to say cheese. She looks so proud and beautiful. The picture was taken at the hospital because the doctors advised her not to attend my high school graduation ceremony. My principal recreated the event at the hospital's chapel. She died a few weeks later from breast cancer. I was devastated. I wish I would have known about organizations like
CancerCare. Now is my chance to spread the word! If you know of anyone with cancer, their caregivers, loved ones and the bereaved, listen up.
CancerCare is here to help.
It was founded in 1944 and is the leading national organization providing
free support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical and financial challenges of cancer.
CancerCare helps one million people each year throughout the U.S. and distributes more than $30 million in financial assistance.
Over the next few months,
CancerCare will be hosting their largest fundraising programs. Communities in my area will come together to walk or run in memory of those they have lost to cancer, honor survivors, and support those currently facing the disease.
The first Walk/Run for Hope is this weekend on September 14th in Fairfield, CT. Future walks will be held on
Sunday, September 28 in Paramus, NJ and
Sunday, November 2, 2014 in Woodbury, NY. I hope you can make it out!
And now it's time to do my speciality: pictures and captions. It's a formula that seems to work over here. This round will be starring me and my mom. Since she died in 2000, she left zero digital impact on the world. No selfies. No Facebook. No sponsored posts. Not even a single Throwback Thursday. Until now! She would have loved all this social media madness.
Thanks mom for always supported my decision to perm my hair right through the 90's. I can't wait for it to come back. My hair takes a great perm. I wish she could see round two. I suspect in the year 2020, the perms will be even more awesome. Mommy/daughter perms or . . .
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. . . mommy/daughter bobs? Anna Wintour obviously had a big influence in our hair styles. We were very high fashion for a brief moment in the early 90's. |
Dog purse alert! Ruff. My mom apparently wanted to steal mine when I wasn't looking. |
I always liked my mom's teeth. When she first married my dad, his father told her she would make a great singer. When she asked him why, he responded, "Because your teeth are slightly bucked." This story always made her laugh. I miss her big old buckaroos. |
This post was brought to you by the makers of Tic Tac® mints. I received compensation to write this post through the Shake, Share & Care® program. All opinions expressed are my own.