
NYC library card

The remote to our super DVD player that is connected Netflix has been missing for a week.  I'm clueless how to work the thing without it.  I liked to think that that had nothing to do with the sudden motivation to get a library card and start reading to my kids instead of letting their brains waste away to Ren and Stimpy reruns, but I would be lying to myself. Before I left the house today, I made sure I brought an electric bill to prove my residency. Now I have a NYC library card and fifteen children's book scattered on the couch and in their bedroom. I feel like my life is finally getting in order.  I adore checking books out for my kids at the library mostly because I love reading children's literature. It's one of my favorite genres. How could anyone not adore anything Ezra Jack Keats writes? Story telling at it's best in my option.  I also love that I can let them have as many books as they want without being restricted. Yes! Get that Spiderman book! Sure, put the Dora book into the stroller! I would never buy those books, but at the library, I suddenly turn into the best mom in the world because I can say yes to everything. Another noteworthy reason I like reading to my kids is because it takes away that irrational fear of them turning into illiterate fools. Below a picture/proof of my kids reading their books from the library. I hope the literacy Gods will see it and give my remote back.


  1. May the literacy gods smile upon you. I also could not work my DVD player or TV without the remote. Glad you found your way to the library. That is so true about suddenly being the "yes" mom instead of the "no" mom. I love that too. And checking out books (instead of buying them) is so very green. The library is one of my favorite democratic institutions! And P.S. unique to America, as far as I know. In Spain, you have to request a book with a little slip of paper -- all the books are behind the librarian's desk. No browsing! And forget about children's books. I believe that is how Europe is in general.

  2. So other people that I know in New York just seem to buy books--as far as I assume. So I actually have burning questions about libraries in your area: how far is it from your apartment? Do they have a really good and easy inter-library loan program within a community of libraries? How big is it?

  3. Candace: i'm in the middle of two libraries, both within 12 blocks from my house. I consider that within walking distance. My two local libraries are smaller/older than the suburban ones I had in CA, but have more than enough books for me to enjoy. They both devote an entire floor for Children's lit. And have separate rooms for story time. The books are in good condition. I've haven't tried the interloan program yet. I'm excited to check out the library at Lincoln Center (it's focus on the preforming arts, 18 mins subway from my apartment) and the Main library (20 minutes from my house). btw there's a documentary on the NYC libraries right now on instant watch on Netflix. It's old but good.

  4. I just love you, Sharon. I hope they smile on you too. Trenton purposely stuffs things like remotes deep into our couch just so I have to turn it upside down and rummage through these little slits I cut in the fabric on the underside. He loves that. haha So I know all about missing remotes. It stinks!

    I haven't been brave enough to check out children's books yet, because I have a bad enough track record of returning my own books--let alone keeping track of the boys'. I think I have like 20 bucks in fines on my library card right now. :)

  5. Thanks for commenting on my blog, I was still reading through your archives when I saw it! I love the Jane Yolen book, Every Living Thing. Have you ever read William Steig's books? I bet your kids would love "Doctor DeSoto" and his other titles.


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