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Last weekend, I read about the Little Red Lighthouse Festival. I love the book the festival references and was super excited to go. But the boys and I took really long naps instead. After we woke up, I still wanted to at least see the lighthouse even if the festival was over. I thought it would make for some good blog content. ha I'm here to shamelessly admit that sometimes I do things for my blog. Here's my thoughts: if blogging motivates me to get out of the house and do something fun, then I'm all for it. It might feel contrived at first, but usually it's totally genuine and worth the effort in the end. What do you think? Does blogging motivate you to be more adventurous, craftier, better dressed or more fun? Or is it too phony to live like that?

We never made it to the lighthouse. I dragged my family all the way up to Washington Heights, only to get off the wrong subway stop. It was getting late. I was frustrated and convinced I would have nothing to blog about this week. You should have seen me. Hahaha. But then Rob looked around at the totally average park we found ourselves at and suggested I take pictures of some kids playing stick ball in the huge field. Or take pictures of the old men playing chess. Or Ella playing with the purple balloon. I chose the purple balloon. Thanks Rob for being the optimist for once.


  1. hehe! yes, we are with you on that. blogging motivates us to do so much more. our list of fun things for the week is massive! i am about to make cookies with my kids (EEK!). thought it would be a delicious post for tonight. x

  2. That's why I started blogging in the first place! It's your creative outlet so why not use it as your creative motivation?!


  3. I think you are right that blogging motivates, you know that people are reading your blog and you want to show people what you are doing. Its a good thing.
    BTW I love Ella s outfit and the purple balloon.
    I love BALLOONS.
    Have a good day, its raining today here in Vermont and I think me and Eva (my 3 yr old) will go and play outside....so much FUN.

  4. hahaha. this is a great post. totally real life, and that's what I love!!

  5. Sharon - Margaret above,is that the same Margaret from home? D

  6. Optimism and balloons for the win! Can't lose with either :)

  7. Aw, the Little Red Lighthouse! I'm a Washington Heights-er and can actually even see the lighthouse from our living room window. Even if you all didn't make it to the lighthouse, still love these pictures that just show a little slice of real life. :)

  8. As always, I love your honesty. Blogging motivates me to get out of bed earlier. ;) It also motivates me to be creative....and I'm all for that motivation. Don't think it's phony at all.

  9. One of my favorite children's books of all time. I need to visit the lighthouse...have lived or worked in New York for 8 years now and never been. Crazy!

  10. yes. blogging helped me to find the fun, happy, creative times in my life when i was not so fun, happy or creative. it worked.

    i think your days look like fun and who cares if you are doing things to blog. at least you are out doing awesome things and making memories instead of watching spongebob :)

  11. also, we love balloons too :) x


  12. Your blog motivates me to get out and explore my neighborhood more. Thanks for that!

  13. For sure I would dress better if I knew 1000s of people would be seeing it on my blog. Mike told me yesterday before I went to the store that he would watch the baby while I got dressed. I was ALREADY dressed. hahahaa We had a good laugh!

  14. hahaha this post makes me laugh. i love how long naps can ruin the day even though they are in fact really good. i love Ella's outfit - i think i'll copy it and change her sandals for ballet flats. does she pick out her outfits or do you?? or is it a joint affair?


  15. Getting content for my blog motivates me to do exciting things as well. There is no shame in having a little motivation :)

  16. i do the same, and i just started mine! the way I see it, if it were anything else motivating me to live a more exciting life, i'd probably call it a good thing, so might as well call blogging a good thing too :]

  17. I love this post. I know what you mean about doing certain things for blogging. Like showering or wearing makeup or lots of other things that most people consider everyday kind of chores but that I reserve for special occasions, like when I will be in the pictures I post. :) I also agree that it makes life better, funner, and in my case more dressed up.

  18. I totally made Mia go out for an early morning walk the other day just so that I could photograph it! I don't think she minded. She'd much rather do that than sit at home, whatever the motive. Like you said, I don't think it matters why you do something as long as it's fun/productive/helpful for you and/or the people involved.

  19. It's funny - the reason I started my blog was because I wanted to keep track of what I was doing and to let my family and friends know what I was up to. It also serves as a placeholder for me to remember events and spots around NY that I want to see but that I would probably forget about, you know? I do have some blogger guilt if I don't take pictures when I go do something cool and I don't post about what I've done but hey, we're living our lives and getting out there regardless if there's photo documentation of it or not, right?

  20. Since I started blogging I feel the same way. Suddenly I am getting this rush of creativity that I did not even know existed. I started painting walls, doing DIY projects, sewing clothes for my kids, having fun dressing up. It is like waking up for life. The problem is that now with so many projects I end up without time to blog about them!
    But I am sure your kids won't mind having more memories about their childhood so they can look back, when they grow up. I wish my mom had blogged (if such thing existed!)

  21. love it. Purple balloon made for an excellent post. I think blogging is a great tool if it gets you up and moving. Part of the reason I started my blog was to keep track of house DIY projects and to keep going with them! P.s. I just added you to my daily blog love feed on my blog. :) loving your writings!

  22. Blogging is great motivation and inspiration. I enjoy following your blog. Thank you.

  23. no shame in being motivated, no matter what it is. if it's helping you push yourself and be better and work towards your goal, then it's good. i think the key is honesty though, and you my friend are honest, which is why i love your blog. i do not like reading blogs that paint a picture of a perfect life... it's not real. we want the good and the bad. that's life and life is awesome!!

  24. Ha! I absolutely get this whole thing! Naps are great, but there are only so many posts you can write about sleeping before you, well, put your readers to sleep :) I'm so happy you guys ended up getting out of the house and having a good time! Yay blogging for holding us accountable for living our lives!

    You've got a great eye for photography, by the way :)

  25. I love your blog.

    Also, I don't think it's bad if blogging changes your life for the better. If you have less time to spend with your kids or it's affecting you negatively than that's reason to change, but if you're doing something fun and noteworthy... Who cares if it's for the blog or not? It's your life and you're out seeing NY! :D

    I wish I could do that more often.

  26. haha, this is so funny; totally agree that if blogging pushes you to do cool stuff...that's awesome! :)

    and i want ella's outfit.

  27. I totally do things just so I can blog about them. You're not alone.

    Your daughter is beautiful and totally fashion forward. Love it. (:


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