
Last Post in my Twenties

I got a little braggy about still being in my 20's at the playground today. I was practically skipping around saying, "This is the last time you'll see me in my 20's. La Ti Da!" And here I am doing it again on my blog. And tonight I'll put it on facebook. And then twitter. I love saying I'm still in my 20's. It sounds so young!

Oh, my twenties. How could I describe this decade? I spent most of the past ten years setting up my life. I graduated from college, got married, had all my kids, and settled down in the best city in the world. I'm pretty close to exactly where I wanted to be at this age. And I'm not even a planner! I hate todo lists!

30 years old. What are some things I have to look forward to?


  1. happy almost birthday my friend. :)

  2. Happy Birthday!! My 30s have been my best years so far. I spent most of my twenties searching for what I wanted, so I was a bit of a nomad, traveling and working places that fit my career goals. When I turned 30, I had a major milestone moment. I quit my job, went back to grad school for my MA, and had the best time of my life. It was the last hurrah of real young adulthood, enjoying the new city I was living in, going out every night, meeting the man of my dreams. When I entered my mid-thirties, I got married, had a baby, and lost someone near and dear to me. It seems that I've lived my life in my 30s and, for me, my 20s were all about setting up the foundation for what I'm living now. I LOVE my 30s. I still feel young, and fortunately, can still pass for being in 20s, so sometimes I feel like I have the wisdom of being older with the luck of looking younger. As I enter my late 30s, I don't even think about age anymore ,although I'll let you know how I feel when I turn 40!

    xo, Anna of (Green Gable)

  3. girl, 30's is the new 20's! You are ahead of the game :)

  4. congratulations! i turned 30 this year and it's been surprisingly divine. relish those last moments as a twenty-something; welcome the thirties with open arms! xo


  5. Happy birthday! I so adore your blog but I have to be a bit of a negative Nelly for a moment. There are always so many typos and as a past teacher, it drives me crazy! In this most recent post you happily announced that your graduated from "collage" in your twenties. Ah hem, it's collEge. Sorry to burst your bubble. I just had to make you aware of it. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I can go back to adoring your blog! :)

  6. A little ironic that there is a typo in the above comment. Love your blog, Sharon. Imperfections and all. Happy Birthday. Live it up!

  7. I mean the first comment. (that 'YOUR' graduate from college in your twenties)

  8. are you sure you graduated from "collage"?

  9. haha collage. college. i saw that and it looked wrong but just went with it! ha! whoops! fact: I've never in my life made it past the second round of a spelling bee.

    anyone interested in a copywriting internship for NYC Taught Me? ha. but really, i'll take one.

  10. haha thanks for reading! sorry about the typos. i know it drives my readers crazy. they tell me at least once a week! yikes. someday i'll hire a copy editor! :)

  11. I hate to break it to you, but it's all downhill after you turn the big 30. The 20s are fun and exciting.

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

  12. Thanks for this reminder of how much older I am than you. In terms of your body, I think it's pretty much downhill 30 onward, but not everything is downhill... I feel like as a mom your stage in life has more to do with the age of your children than your own age -- you are out of the sleepless nights/ changing diapers/ potty training/ diaper bags/ stroller phase, which I often look forward to.

  13. Wow! Thirty years ago you were born?!?! Where did the time go?.....I remember the day Mom had you:) Ok...now I feel OLD!:) I remember like it was yesterday the day you dressed up in your piggy costume for your dance recital....You will always be five in my eyes:)
    Hear goes my birthday singing solo to you...I hope I am on key:)
    Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You...You smell like a monkey & you look like one too...Cha,cha,cha:)

  14. Just wanted to see if anyone even noticed! :)

  15. I know...it was a silly joke on my part that obviously failed. ;)

  16. Look at you, starting a life at 30. GO YOU!

  17. GreetingsfromTexasMarch 30, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    Just discovered your blog and am new fan! Doesn't hurt that I'm obsessed with NYC. Liked this post because I'm turning 30 tomorrow. Eek! Would love for you to check out my site if you get a chance! =)

  18. I just discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. This post caught my eye because I'm turning thirty in a few months! I feel like I'm supposed to have some kind of bucket list or transition or something but instead . . . I don't know, time just keeps going by faster and faster. I look forward to reading the rest of your posts!


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