
Influencers are a Few of My Favorite Things

Usually before I do anything, I consult my top influencers (Rotten Tomatoes, 2012 Michelin Guide, Yelp, Amazon's book reviews, my favorite blogs, etc.). It's helps navigate me through a world full of mindless choices. Take the downtown floral store Harvest for example. How in the world am I suppose to choose just one color of rose? Look at all the options! I've never seen a store like it. I was so happy to discover it by myself so I could take my time to investigate each rose and find my favorite.

But then after awhile, I couldn't make up my mind. So finally I decided on these tangerine color roses. Big shout out to whoever correctly guesses who influenced me!

How do you decide what movie your going to watch/what nail polish color/or what book to read?  Do you trust your own instincts and experiences? Or do you use others to guide you? A mix of both?


  1. haha, Was it the Pantone color of the year? (I also, I totally understand what you mean by needing influencers!)

  2. Hmm, might that be Pantone? Thanks for writing about this place, can't wait to check it out!

  3. I guess color of the year, too! I think you chose well - so cheerful and pretty!

  4. Pantone! I always look at reviews and such before I try a new place. You can really weed out the duds that way.

  5. Well, your blog is why I got the idea to go eat Doughnut plant and I blame my cellulite on you of course...

    and yes, some kind of tangerine was the pantone color of the year and the trend forecasters in my office say everything is going to be MINT GREEN in a second.

  6. Love the tangerine roses! Great choice! As for the influencers topic... I love reading what others have to say...it's interesting and sometimes helps you to look at things in a totally different way! =)
    Char xo

  7. You know, I gave a spontaneous sigh when scrolling through these images. Love roses...

  8. Where is this place? I tried looking on their website, but they only have an address for Astoria. Is that where you were? I would love to go!

  9. Where is this place? I tried looking on their website, but they only have an address for Astoria. Is that where you were? I would love to go!

  10. I realize Pantone is a popular choice for your color influence, but I'm going to guess Ella for fun! She seems like she would completely ignore the winter blues and go straight for a pop of color.

    As far as needing influence, I can be pretty indecisive at times. Unless, of course, I think my influencer would disagree with whatever I really wanted to do (i.e. eat fast food for lunch rather than walking), then the decision is all mine!

  11. For movies I religiously check IMDB, ALWAYS! For books, I like read reviews, and for everything else just whatever I'm liking or the mood I'm in ;)

  12. That store looks amazing! I'm not usually a fan of yellow but the bright yellow roses look extra pretty to me.

  13. Hi Sharon - As a new resident of New York (celebrating my one week anniversary today!) I have been walking around in a daze all week wondering how it is all you New Yorkers handle this excess of choice and opportunity. I'm a originally from a smallish city in Australia and have been living in a tinyish city in Switzerland for the past year, where there is no need for influencers because there are no choices! Only one nice florist, one burger joint, one acceptable hairdresser... Even your book and movie choices are contrained by the lack of options! So being in this heaving city is such a breath of fresh air, while at the same time being totally overwhelming with all the choice it has to offer.

    So I've been making a pretty big effort this week to seek out some serious influencers to help me deal with the excess! Slowly but surely I'm learning the value of Yelp, NY Mag, Urban Daddy and the like, and expanding my blog addiction to include as many NY-based blogs as possible (like yours!). Though there is nothing as valuable as the opinion of a native New Yorker, who seem to have them in abundance and are more than happy to have the opportunity to influence you! :)

    x Carly


  14. Hi!! sorry i forgot to do my big shout out to all the answers!!!!! it's coming promise!!

  15. ok, i'll start planting my mint green roses now so I'll be ready!

  16. awww. love this comment. Yes--pantone was my color influence, but i like your guess better :)

  17. sorry for the late response! it's 111 West 28th Street NY NY 10001, telephone 1-877-777-5767. i don't know what the store normally looks like, the workers told me i just so happened to be visiting as they were getting ready for a rose show. perhaps you should call first so you're not disappointed!

  18. yes, i need to use IMDB more often! good idea.

  19. yes--the yellow roses were AMAZING. very tempted to get those too :)

  20. wow! one week (and three days now!) how's it going? i remember being in a complete daze for the first 6 months here. so much to learn! hope it's going well! good luck!!


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