
Career Update: Singing is Better Than Working

Career update! I was blogging at Babble for a few months, but decided to stop and focus my energy on growing this blog instead. I'm still interning at New York Family magazine to persue my publishing goals.  If you pick up the magazine this month or click here, you'll see one of my first articles. It's so exciting to see my name in print. But there's bigger news! They've asked me to write the Last Word column for the March issue. It's a completely personal, first-person piece about my experiences as a parent. A full page just for me! I already wrote it, and they love it. I can't wait to show you what I've been working on. Soon!

In other news, Ella has also made some progress on her future goals. She has recently decided to pursue a career in broadcasting. She's definitely not afraid to ask the tough questions. {1:40 Do you know Santa's wife's name?} Take a look at her untimely Christmas interview featuring Oscar. She's still working on her craft, but I think she's got something.

When did you know what you wanted to be? Still clueless? Meet my husband Rob.


  1. ella is so stunning! she could definitely make it as a broadcaster! :)

  2. Super cute interview!

  3. Sharon! This is killing me! It made my day! Your kids are hilarious and adorable! I love how Ella interrupts Owen's slow answers like a true journalist and how Owen is either looking bored stiff (big yawns) or unsure of the question... love it!! I want to introduce my eldest to Ella, they'd make a great team!


  4. I just finished reading your archives, you take such beautiful pictures! Of course, your beautiful kids make the best subjects. Besides your writing career, I really think you should pursue a career in photography. Either strike out on your own as a family photographer or even become a magazine or online magazine photographer! Your blog is a full portfolio already! Looking forward to seeing more amazing pics!

  5. Fantastic! I love your blog and you are an inspiration!x

  6. Ha, I def wouldn't want to be put on the spot by Ella...not sure I'd get Santa's wife's name right either ;) !!! This little video is adorable!!

  7. laura morena magalhães costaMarch 30, 2012 at 6:22 PM

    that is the most adorable i've ever seen!!!
    i feel like they're part of my family, since i read your blog almost every day!

    ella is blunt and her questions are THE BEST!
    oscar is a star!
    well, both of them are!

    for both your talented kids and your carrer upgrade :)

  8. "Say Mrs. Claus!" hahah that was hilarious!

  9. I think in this day and age, being entrepreneurial is always the best path. As a journalist and fledgling blogger, I'm definitely thinking the way you are, especially now that I'm expecting.

  10. Ella's interview rocks

  11. The video is adorable!

    It only took me 5 years of University to figure out what I wanted to do. Now a year later I am graduating with a minor in Nonprofit Management, an internship and a bright outlook at starting my career in Fundraising.

    You should know that your blog is making me really want to move to NYC after I graduate this semester.

  12. Gabriela Taylor-PerrymanMarch 30, 2012 at 6:22 PM

    Cracking up at "did you get coal this season?" I am a pediatric nurse, and I love it because I get to hear kids say hilarious things all day long! A favorite theme is when they say they are gonna call the police when I have to give them a shot or other owie... : )

  13. omg, the expressions that your son is making are hiliarious. I can't stop laughing. Your daughter is super cute too, I think she may have a career in journalism too!

  14. Seriously, that video just made my whole day. I love it! Ella definitely has something. And Oscar? Adorable! Congratulations on your first article and the upcoming column! x

  15. So adorable! I love, "That's all we got, Mama!" Congrats on your article, too!

  16. That's so exciting! Congrats on publishing, keep posting the links here, I'll read! I remember I started reading your blog months ago and thinking THIS, THIS is exactly what I like to read about - great photos, personal, but not too personal, good writing, funny. So yes, I think this is a very good use of your time! Keep at it!

    (And just between you and me, I've stopped reading Babble since it was bought by Disney, I feel there are too many ads, and I am sick of every post containing 10 - 20 slides you have to click through! So annoying and time consuming, a terrible way to get clicks, and I could never find your column because it wasn't on the front page)

    PS - That pic of you is fantastic! And yes, your kids are pretty adorable. ;)


  17. sharon, just found your blog, and have become addicted. I relate to everything you say about being at home with my kid, housework,blaah. Your kids are adorable, and dress so well.
    p.s. im married, 23, with a baby, and zero clue what i want to do with my life..ur not alone!

  18. Perfect!!! Thanks for "like"ing my facebook page~!!


  19. This sounds like great news! I love reading your blog, so I'm glad to hear you'll be growing it!

  20. Amazing news! I'm so happy for you. I'm kind of with Rob, but also discreetly wishing I was a writer but feeling like that's a bit of a pipe dream. Agh. I'll get it together some day.

  21. First I wanted to be a doctor, so I went to college pre-med. That was hard. I didn't like that. So then I was a psychology major. But what can you do with a psychology major without a masters? Nothing. So then I switched to business, pre-major. I took a few business classes and then fell in love during my marketing class. Now THIS is what I wanted to do. So now I'm chipping away at my advertising degree. Someday I think I will have a great job that I love.

  22. ha! that's awesome--send the link to your facebook page--I'll like it!

  23. Your blog is great! I am a new mom living in Brooklyn and I love seeing how you make it work in the city with three kids! That video is adorable, it made my day. Congrats on your articles!!

  24. Congratulations Sharon. Thank you Thank you for focusing on your blog, I JUST LOVE IT.
    Have a awesome day.

  25. Your kids are so adorable! Allt of sæt!

  26. Regan - AnArchitectressMarch 30, 2012 at 6:24 PM

    I'm laughing out loud at work. Thank you for sharing - that was adorable. Looking forward to reading your Last Word column. Best of luck!

  27. I'm with Rob. No idea lol, certainly not for lack of trying. Actually that's not true, I want to be a Mother and Wife, but that's not a job I can apply for so I'll keep trying out careers. Your blog is awesome, really perfect :)

  28. That interview is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! Love her follow-up questions! "But what would you do with the coal?" "Throw it in the kitchen garbage." Haha

  29. Congrats!:) I love Ella's interview. She reminds me of our cousin when he was little. He would carry around a tape recorder and microphone and interview family members around the holidays:) Too cute!:)

  30. Really cute video! I think it's awesome you're focusing on this blog, because I love this blog! So it's a win for me!

    I've always known I loved to write and to create, but I think I'll be pursuing various ventures along those lines for my whole life. Maybe I'll never be able to say I had a well defined career, but at least I will have enjoyed it!

  31. Yay~!!! Congratulations!

    I recently started my photography business. Actually lets make that yesterday! haha
    with Facebook page and everything! ha

    Here's to our adventure~!

  32. Absolute cutest video ever! Loved the throat clearing. And loved Oscar's faces...priceless! And best of luck with the writing...can't wait to see how it evolves for you. And my clueless husband should meet your clueless husband : )

  33. Congratulations on your success! That is amazing and you should feel very accomplished. I just discovered your blog yesterday and love reading about your experiences. Have a wonderful day!

    XX Hilary

  34. Congrats on making your career dream become a reality! Your children are so cute

  35. The next Katie Couric or maybe Diane Sawyer (yes, blondes can be smart). Liked the "gotcha" Mrs. Claus question.


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