
Super Bowl Weekend!

It's Super Bowl weekend! What role will you be playing? The football fanatic, the guacamole eater, the bored artist, the clueless supporter, the drunk, the screamer, the commercial watcher, the sore loser? This video includes just about everyone. 

I'm part clueless supporter and part commercial watcher. Go Giants?! Go Honda

My husband's role continues to be the sore loser. He still can't stop complaining 49ers loss to the Giants. If I hear about that field goal one more time . . .

PS--thanks for making this my favorite blogging week ever. I had so much fun learning your names and finding out how you budget. I felt a sense of community. Only good things can come from that.  And I'm  looking forward to it. Have a good weekend!


  1. I'm so with your husband! Poor niners. I wore my 49ers t-shirt to our Supebowl party . . .

  2. I could not watch more than 5 minutes of the game. Is there something wrong with me? Or are some brains just wired differently? Thankfully here at home we are all wired the same!

  3. Who won? Gisele Bundchen's husband team? ::))
    abraço (hug) vera

  4. Beautiful photos. Everyone loves superbowl and is looking forward for this weekend.

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  5. I'm def the food eater and the commerical watcher. My fiance on the other hand is a foodball Patriots fanatic!

  6. That video's funny. I haven't been to a superbowl party in years! Are you guys going to one?

  7. As you know, we didn't grow up watching sports and my hubby luckly doesn't watch it either:) We are clueless together:) I heard shopping is the BEST while the Superbowl is on:) I might just do that!

  8. My Green Bay Packers were supposed to be in the Superbowl! I hope the Giants go down, haha ;) I really don't watch football (unless you mean 'soccer') :) xx

  9. Just came across your blog tonight. It's absolutely delightful. I'll be visiting in NY for my first time in March. Yay me...I can't wait! I'll be sure to say hello if I see you. hee hee. Here's to raising kids, loving life, and finding happiness in all things!


  10. I really enjoyed reading this week- you have such interesting, funny posts! Go Giants! And guacamole!

  11. My husband's birthday is actually on Super Bowl Sunday, so we will be celebrating his special day :) Have a great weekend.

  12. I'm the napper/snacker/comercial watcher.

  13. Gabriela Taylor-PerrymanMarch 30, 2012 at 6:26 PM

    I will be at work...I will be playing the part of nurse. Ignoring her coworkers that try to sneak into a sleeping patient's room to watch the game! Although, I doubt they will be anywhere as interested as the other game you mentioned, most people in SF/the bay area are still boohooing about it! If I had the day off I would definitely be the guacamole eater... Have a great weekend!

  14. Ah I totally forgot it was super bowl weekend! I will probably be the clueless supporter because I haven't kept up on sports much lately...and guacamole sounds amazing right now! haha Wow the city looks so pretty!


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