
Ella the Elephant

i've always loved this picture of me and Ella. Taken almost 7 years ago. We both look so much different now. 

I've been really sick these last few days. Sore throat from hell. Totally ruined all my spring break plans for the kids. I feel horrible that they've been cooped up for 2 days, going on 3. I forced myself out of the house yesterday. Their heads were about to explode if they didn't get some fresh air. Living in a tiny apartment isn't so bad, except for times like this. We're steps away from the best parks and museums, but sometimes we have to pay the price for that.

While I rest, the kids have been watching a lot of TV.  But now on day 3, they have been finding other things to do. Currently, they are playing in our endless hallway with a long green ribbon. Don't know exactly what the game is, but Ella seems to have a lot of rules for it. "Clap, jump, turn around. That's how you do it! Or do you want stomp? Break! Time out! Time out!" She's giving out her left over Easter candy to the winner.

Besides making up games, Ella has also been busy writing on her private blog. Here's some of my favorite posts:

Once she got to move up from 1st to the 2nd grade for the day:
at scool
 Last thursday  I went to 2nd grade It  was fun . I made new friends .But this kid called David he was mad he thought that he can do whatever he wanted the teacher  got mad so he did not  get centers he got so mad that he said I will  be good the teacher said okay but he lied  he pushed somebody he got really hurt  so he did  not   have centers he got bad the teacher said that is A lesson.

and one about my birthday:

mom brthiy
When it was moms brthiy we went to a fennsy reashtrot we ate cupcakes and sinwishes and we pinted our nels and we put macup on. I wade a red dress it had 2 pucess. and it was just the 2 of us .we had so munsh fun.And when we got home we had chokelt  cake it was kind of like brownnys.
Then I taught her how to use spell check:
today went to 2 boots. I ate  a cookie it was chocolate chip I taste a bite I like  it. but I like it butter. the girl scouts cookies are way butter. and I also had pizza. it was so good it is like the big apple. that is the best pizza in the would . so that is why you have to go to NYC. and  for  breakfast I had a bagel and they have  the best bagel in the would  so that is also why you have to come to NYC. 
Do your kids have blogs? My favorite is when she says, "It's so weird, mom. Your keyboard doesn't have the letter "v"!" And then I have to show her it actually does. "Oh, there it is!"

Hope you have a great weekend! Don't get sick! Wash your hands after reading this post.


  1. Awwww. what a great picture!

    my daughter is only two so she doesn't write in sentences yet, but it's fun to imagine what she might write about someday.

  2. Hahhaha hilarious! I wish Ellas blog wasn't private, I'd follow it! No letter c. I'm rolling on the floor laughing.
    Get well soon!

  3. @Emily haha I originally had a "c" but Ella just told me it was actually a "v". I must have changed it as you were writing your comment :)

  4. omg.. her blog posts are the cutest things I've ever read! I'd be her biggest follower! lol :)

    Hope you feel better soon!

    xx Olivia

  5. I loved this post! Totally made me feel better about my kid watching tv all morning, lol. That picture of you looks so different, incredible. Also, thanks for getting back to email and the blog advice! Thinking about taking out an ad.. I'll get back to you!

    Hope you have a great weekend and feel better!


  6. "we ate cupcakes and sinwishes"

    Pretty much in love with this kid. Thanks so much for the laugh! :)

  7. awww what a cutie!!! ella should write a guide to NYC :) i would totally go to all her recommendations:)

  8. Hilarious: Ella's Guide to NYC and beyond! Did you see my post on fb about the rainbow parade? Come and join us!! I'm sorry you have been sick, feel better soon.

  9. i'm sick too! hope you get better soon :)

  10. Is that an H&M hat you're wearing in the last picture, Sharon? If so, then I definitely have the same one. Either way, it's cute!

    1. yes it is! i feel so validated knowing you bought the same one! you know i love your style. and your profile pic is gorgeous. love your eyes.

  11. So sorry you are sick. Wish I was there to help you and play with the kids. I always loved it when you would call for me to come help. Missing you and your family, get better quick.

  12. such sweet blog posts by your daughter! but don't let her use the spell check -- her spellings are so phonetic and cute! spell check has really made me forget how to spell anything!

  13. Two of my three are sick too. We have had an indoor Spring break unfortunately too and I am about to bust if I don't get outside!!!

    Feel better! Crossing my fingers I don't get it!

  14. I love that she has her own private blog, that will be priceless when she's older!

  15. I remember when Ella was that small. I really thought she would always have brown hair. Was that in your first apartment in Cal.? What was she opening? That wrapping paper looks so familiar. It looks like your shirt says 'sick' on it:)jk:)lol
    Unfortunatly,my Spring Break was a bust too:( We had all of these great plans but they were all cancelled:( We had to make lemonade out of lemons. Sorry your Spring Break has been a bust too:(
    I love Ella's rules with the boys:)lol My oldest does that too:)LOL
    Hope you feel better soon!

  16. I love this picture! I hope you feel better!

  17. I love her blog entries! I was really good about keeping a journal when I was Ella's age and a lot of my entries also focused on food! How funny! :)

  18. Hahaha. Everything about this is so sweet and funny. :) Your kids are adorable!!

  19. so cute- my god-daughter just emailed me one word- "frustrated". I called her immediately-- turns out it was how she was checking spelling for her paper she was writing! (her mom had told her to use the dictionary!)

  20. This is brilliant! I love that Ella is wanting to be like Mom and blogging. I am a terrible speller, so I love her creativity with sounding it out :) I hope you're feeling better!


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