
Portrait of a Mother

The night before this picture was taken, my boys had been up from 3am-6am. They were still recovering from our red eye flight from San Francisco to NYC.  I'll never book that again. Especially without Rob! He got called off to a business meeting in Seattle, and I was flying solo with all the kids. The flight wasn’t so bad, but recovering from it was awful.

I was exhausted the next morning but stoked to pawn my kids off and attend Alt Summit. During the lunch break, a friend asked if I was ever going to have more kids. I told her, “NoWAY! Never! Absolutely not!”.

She responded jokingly, “When you talk about your kids, you make it sound like you’ve been traumatized. Have kids traumatized you? What happened?!”

All I could do was laugh like a lunatic while I failed to articulate an answer. It was at that moment, photographer Justin Hackworth snapped this photo of me.

When I saw it, I noticed my tired eyes, worn off lipstick, and a frozen laugh. I'm on the verge of true happiness, a nap, or about to cry hysterically while I tell her how exhausted I am.  Anything could have happened in the next frame.

It's because of this unknown, I feel like this picture captures my experience with motherhood perfectly. Traumatized yet blissfully happy indeed!


  1. great picture, I can completely relate! Parenting is exhausting. A friend of mine recently had a baby and was telling me how great and wonderful it all was, a little accusatory, like, "why did you make this seem so bad?" and I kept thinking, give it a few more years honey...

  2. Ah! You looked great that day. And as always, it's so fun to chat with you!

    My dark circles are now permanent after three kids and ten years too!

    1. JILL I was just reading your blog while you were commenting on mine!! stalkers for life!

    2. For-Ev-A sister! xo

  3. Sharon - you look amazing!...with a natural beauty that doesn't need lipstick (or even sleep evidently) haha! LOVED having all of you out here in Cali... and that Oscar still thinks that I'm "fun to play with!" and tells me so... :-) Merri

  4. I love this photograph and your explanation. This is exactly how I feel about motherhood! Traumatized, yet so so happy!

  5. Thank you for sharing! I love your honesty. I don't want any more kids either and I only have one.

  6. You look lovely- and I must say I appreciate you sharing your experience as a mother so honestly, and humorously. Not many bloggers will use the word 'traumatizing' when describing raising their kids, but it's good to hear both sides of the proverbial coin :)

  7. Fabulous. I actually do think you look pretty good in that picture, although of course not as gorgeous as in real life. That's a good description of motherhood -- love that you were too exhausted to even articulate your experience. That's motherhood to a T.

  8. Love your style of writing, your description of mother is perfection to the t.

  9. I love this picture of you. I totally agree, motherhood has such a wide range of emotions. The boys were getting on my nerves the other day and then I saw a project Ray did where he wrote that I was his hero, the person who inspired him. My heart melted and I instantly felt bad for being so hard on them. Two minutes later I was yelling at them to go to bed. Ah, the roller coster!

  10. No sleep and you look gorgeous :)

  11. Oh Sharon! I love it how you share these little things with us. And it is also great that you are not afraid to stand up for what you believe or think, because most mothers are so terrified of being judged.
    The picture is gorgeous and the new hair and make up look you have embraced suits you perfectly :)


  12. this is hilarious and so true. motherhood is all over the place; you capture that perfectly here. xoxo

  13. I was talking to a co-worker the other day about kids and he said his daughter was unplanned and they didn't want anymore. It wasn't followed by the usual "We're so glad we had her though!", he just left it at that. I'm sure he loves her and I appreciated his honesty, but I thought it was a little sad and hoped those feelings wouldn't get back to her someday.

  14. Seriously - exhaustion is the worst. I'm recovering from my 3 month old being up all night after doing so well ... feels like a serious hangover!!

  15. Totally. You and your kids are adorable and I hope my three will be like yours in a few years :)

  16. You look so blissfully happy! Like an accomplished, beautiful, true happiness.

  17. I've actually heard it gets easier as you have more! : ) My husband is the oldest of 7 and the family is so dynamic! We've got one but I long for a bunch more!!!

  18. What a wonderful post/picture. I feel/look that way all the time....

  19. I love your honesty! I have two little ones and am consistently exhausted. glad to hear I'm not alone! laughter is always a good choice..

  20. My thoughts exactly. Beautifully said... and so true! P.S. You look gorgeous.

  21. So true. Someone could a capture a picture of myself.

    Teeth-time is perfect for that :))

    Eva, mom-a-porter.com

  22. you are stunning. never forget how beautiful you are


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