
Fried Eggplant with Chocolate

Despite my own grandparents being from Italy, I've never heard of Melanzane al Cioccolato (Chocolate Eggplant) until I stumbled upon this original recipe by Italian chef Massimiliano Alajmo on Elizabeth Street. I guess it's common for Italians to use fried eggplant in desserts and top it will chocolate, ricotta, candied oranges, sugar, cinnamon, and/or sea salt.  With such an unfamiliar flavor combination, I had to test it out. It was amazing. Click here to read about my experience and the the minor changes I made to Alajmo's recipe.

Chocolate, flour, sea salt, olive oil, and eggplant.  The simple ingredients in this recipe couldn't be more tempting. Trust me on the eggplant. Someday I might be brave enough to make this sophisticated version Melanzane al Cioccolato.


  1. I never would have thought to try that but it doesn't sound pretty amazing. I'll have to give that a go.

  2. yum. a favorite tapa of mine in spain was breaded/fried eggplant with goat cheese and honey on top.

  3. I've been living in Italy for over a decade and have never even heard of this! But I can imagine it being really tasty. I'll have to ask my Italian friends if they've ever had it and where the recipe is from. I'll give the recipe a try for an upcoming xmas dinner...

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