
Flash Back: Awful Wrapping Paper

I adore a beautifully wrapped present. I even wrote an article about the art of gift wrap on Elizabeth Street last year. But the the truth is, I can't bring myself to spend time or money on the stuff. I'm jealous of those that do.

This past Christmas, I spent $10 for a variety pack of paper from CVS. It was enough to get me through the season. I'm sure Target had some great options for the same price, but it takes too much effort for me to get there from my apartment.

And so, as I was in line at the store hating myself for being too cheap and lazy to get the wrapping paper I really wanted, I thought of the best justification for my purchase. While right now my packages look tacky, in fifty years they will look vintage and kitschy! Take a look at these from the 1970's on eBay. Wrapping paper ages so well. It might take awhile, but I'm looking forward to the day my kids compliment me on my good taste.
Oh, I forgot bows. I bought a bunch out of the 75% off bin at Michael's and CVS a few days before Christmas for an extra special flair. Another $5 totally worth it to drive my point. haha


  1. I think yours looks nice, too! Very American and christmassy!

  2. I wrap all of my presents in kraft paper. Its cheap and highly customizable. Add faux laurel wreaths and you've got country elegance. Red velvet ribbon: um...country elegance...Twine....ok, never mind that highly customizable part. But it is cheap! And you can wrap packages in it and send them the old-fashioned way. Its a win-win.

    1. such a good idea. i should have done that!! i think they sell kraft paper at CVS too.

  3. Hilarious. My mother was the Queen of git wrapping. She had the most beautiful paper, accessories (cinnamon sticks, freshly picked Holly, ornaments bearing our names, etc) each gift was wrapped with perfect corners and seams. My kids have the good fortune of cheap paper, ratty corners and slapped on name stickers. I didn't get the gorgeous gift wrapping gene.

  4. I always used to go for super cheap wrapping paper in bulk, the tackier and sillier the better (Old Navy used to have some great choices actually), but this year I think I rebounded, because I went with a super minimalist (and equally affordable) option:


    It was easy and fun and made me feel a wee bit calmer over the holidays.

  5. Personally, I don't care enough to spend any more on wrapping paper. It gets ripped off and thrown away. I would probably feel foolish spending money on wrapping paper when I could get it for cheaper and spend my money on something I actually need. Not to sound too negative or anything -- just, there are more important things.

  6. In Spain we dont care so much care about presentation, we said: "Santa has had some problems with the baggages" LOL

  7. I get splurging on the good stuff for grown-ups, but kids love the bright tacky stuff! It reminds me of the time our parents got us Godiva chocolate one year for Easter. I remember mom telling us that it was really nice chocolate but we could care less (and probably actually preferred the cheap stuff.)

  8. Your under-the-tree looks so happy and fun! I love kraft paper, too, but then I splurge on gorgeous ribbon from the flower district. This year, I was prepared and I went to the Container Store's after-Christmas sale and stocked up on beautiful paper for next year. 50% off is still a bit much, but full price is not an option, so I'm calling it a happy medium.

    1. yes-- container store has amazing paper!! forgot about them.

  9. Oh Sharon, I love your sense of humor. I don't think your kids care about your gift wrapping taste :)
    Actually I don't mind it either. The combo of paper with the ribbon is a little clashing (maybe a solid or only one striped ribbon would be enough) but the paper itself is classic and bold and beautiful for kids. There's no reason to feel guilty, just keep one bold and one quiet next year to have more polished pictures and not to have Ella critique you on your choice ;)

  10. Love it! And it all ends up in the rubbish right?!

  11. I love your wrap! I don't care about the wrap either (and hey, you didn't put it in a bag! Extra points!), but i do appreciate pretty packages. I just don't understand how people can spend SO much on wrapping paper (I worked at a store where we would regualarly sell $700 worth of wrapping per person. I simply cannot fathom that).

    I must know though - Does Santa have different wrapping?! I would hope so!

    1. haha i don't think i'm that organized. maybe next year!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Not sure if you read these comments when a post is so old, but this year go to the TJ Maxx by the UWS Michael's. I used to live in your neighborhood and for two years in a row, a month or 2 before Christmas I'd hit it up and they had the BEST wrapping paper and gift tags in stock for a ridiculously low price.


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