
Our Magic Number

When I try to get my kids together in a picture, it usually turns into a total shitstorm. I'm pleading with them to get closer, one kid is refusing to be in it, and the other one is throwing punches. But every once in a while, magic happens. I blame the Rule of Three. Supposedly, things that come in 3 are funnier, more satisfying, and more effective than any other number of things. There's also the Latin phrase, "omne trium perfectum" (everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete) that drives the point. And to think we only wanted to have 2 kids! Three has definitely turned out to be our magic number.
(ella eventually stopped growing to give the boys time to catch up.)
Keep reading to see more pictures of the impossible: all three kids in one frame . . .

before the boys grew hair, i usually put Oscar in green and hope he wouldn't turn into a grouch.
more pictures from this easter post circa 2011
one of my favorites from the Keith Pitts photo shoot
And of course: 


  1. I LOVE THEM. All of them. So, so amazing. Ella is beautiful in every picture and the twins are just adorable. So, so adorable. I wish I'll have a family like that one day. Especially the big-sister and baby-twins part would make me very happy (I think). Gorgeous.

  2. So adorable! I agree - three is definitely your magic number!

  3. You have the most beautiful children! I'm one of three (and also sort of one of five...) and it's true- when we three all get together, we are a NIGHTMARE but also absolutely brilliant. Three is a magic number indeed!
    (On a less positive note, they also say that bad things happen in threes- but we'll forget about that...) xx

  4. So glad they look like you!

  5. Awe! I love the photos. Sets of three seem to feel complete and togetherness, at least for me.

  6. Those pictures are precious! My husband and I would love to have three kids one day, if only we can ever afford it!

  7. We have twin boys and hope for a third child in the future. It is so wonderful seeing your kids. Beautiful pics!

  8. Shitstorm!! I actually love the funny ones where no one is ready and everyone's looking in a different direction - they're so silly and real! My sibs & I are also a Rule of Three family and I love it, much more fun than just 2. We also get matching Christmas jammies - still! - and we're all pushing 30. Your 3 are tooooooo cute!

  9. They are just too damn cute.

  10. I love the one where Ella had to be wrapped in a blue blanket like her brothers. Priceless!

  11. Love love love your writing - total shitstorm = brilliant.

    LOL - I have that with just one child some days, especially now he is 12 - warning - the tween years of attitude - hysterical!!!

    Photo opps? Good luck!!! You wouldn't want to be a teetotaller let me tell you! And ours is a good'un - yikes.

  12. I love the frequency in which that Bob Dylan shirt makes an appearance in photos!

  13. Aww. My favorite is the one of Ella sucking her thumb next to the little newborn twins. xo

  14. I have always searched around for pictures from when they were little and you definitely haven't put enough here on the blog. So this post was sweet as can be. Thanks for sharing! It's nice to hear your magic number is 3 and how you were happy with how the things turned out eventually.


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