
Spring Has Sprung: What Kind of Mood is Bloomin?

 Ella and I took a walk the other day to test out what kind of mood spring provokes. According to her mood ring, spring makes her feel alert. It's a good thing because I wouldn't want her to miss out on any of the beauty that is happening around the city right now. From the bright green lawns to the cherry blossoms blowing in the wind, it's enough to make anyone feel alert and alive.
her idea
After she tested her mood, I asked her if she wanted to go home. She responded with, "Noway, I'm alert!"
(pictures taken in Riverside Park)

ah damn it. Soon after I published this, I saw a mouse in my kitchen. I'm currently wearing rain boots in the living room and looking at these pretty pictures again to take my mind off of that nasty critter. Even though I wanted to mop tonight, I can't go back into the kitchen. That mouse makes me look at these pictures differently. Like that grass? It's probably filled with mice right now. So much for the idyllic NYC image.


  1. Gorgeous! Nice that you got to have a little mother-daughter time! And I love her skirt. Spring was here in England last week, but it decided to be rainy for this week again. Boo!

  2. Ha! Your mouse comments made me laugh! It reminds me of my freshman year of college. I went to school in Boston, around the time the Big Dig (a huge construction project) was tearing up the whole city. I was standing outside my dorm--an old converted hotel right on the Charles River--admiring how idyllic everything was when a TORRENT OF RATS poured out of the flowerbeds. I'm talking like 50+. I heard later that the Big Dig was to blame, chasing all the rats out of the sewers, but I could never quite feel at ease after that.

    1. oh my gosh---that is the grossest thing I've ever heard of. WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?! i searched your blog for "rats" to see if you've written about it. it's time!!

  3. Man I love myself a mood ring! And a few months after I'd first moved to the city, my (not so ferocious) pup cornered a mouse in my closet. I managed to trap said rodent in a tupperware and actually let it go in Central Park... rookie.

    1. you are the bravest person ever. i can't believe you caught him!!! eeek. when i saw the mouse--it was 12:30am and i let out a blood curdling shriek. i'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops.

  4. hahaa I hate when that happens. I was taking a nice relaxing shower the other day and noticed a big spider in the corner, now I'm paranoid when I go in there. I'll forget soon and it will pass, but for now it gives me the hebbie jeebies!

    1. i was so upset--my super ripped out my cabinets to see if there was a hole. found one! and now i'm getting new cabinets. haha my first mothers day gift :)

  5. Ohhh I feel you on the mouse. I have these damn sugar ants in my kitchen and I've tried spraying, ant traps, and leaving nothing on the kitchen counter and they're still there, yuck! Other a brighter note, the photos of your daughter are so pretty and to me are the essence of spring.

  6. The thought of having a mouse in my kitchen (that hasn't been brought in by my cat) is one of the only things putting me off moving to NYC. This looks like such a lovely way to spent the day- and I love that kids still like mood rings, I LOVED mine!! xx

  7. In our first apartment in NYC, one day I was in the kitchen and a mouse popped up from one of the burners on our gas stove! I freaked out but my husband declared the little thing "cute". I could never use that stove again w/out thinking of the mouse...which I think we eventually caught, or patched a hole so it couldn't come back. In our last apartment in NYC, we had mice that ravaged our pantry-- droppings everywhere! What a drag to deal with...I feel for you because I've been there! ; 0

  8. Situated at the fringe of short distance to city,
    Sant Ritz at Potong Pasir (Singapore) in District 13.
    the interlace

  9. Great pictures of NYC in the Springtime! It's the best time to visit the city in my opinion.


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