
Pancake Insanity

Around two years ago I was obsessed with learning how to make the perfect pancake.  Mainly because my kids were driving me crazy and, I know this sounds unrelated but, making really fluffy pancakes from scratch made me feel in control each morning. My dirty laundry was slowing infiltrating my clean laundry pile in the living room, I hadn't brushed my hair for a week, and my brain was being fried by constant tantrums, but. BUT if I started my day with perfect pancakes: My kids thought I was fabulous, I thought I was fabulous, and everyone I bragged about my new skill to told me I was fabulous. Somehow I would weave my pancake skillz into any conversation. I'm that person.

And who do I have to thank for teaching me everything I know about pancakes? None other than Deb from Smitten Kitchen of course. In her Pancakes 101 post, she explains exactly how much to stir the batter, how to prep the pan, and a secret with the eggs that I think is brilliant.  You have got to read it and implement her tips! You'll feel so empowered and you too will feel the need to bring up pancakes in any discussion. Go ahead. You can be that person too.

In case you were wondering, Deb is as wonderful in person as she seems on her blog. Her posts are smart, interesting, funny and down to earth. And that's exactly the person I met last week. I can't wait for her book to come out 2012.  I hope nothing but the best for Deb. She's fantastic! I would copy everything that she does, even her blog layout. Oh wait, I already did. 

So now you know: Pancakes are my secret weapon for taking control when my life feels crazy.  What do you do to feel a sense of control when your life feels crazy? There must be a better way than PANCAKES!! ha.  


  1. those do look fluffy and delicious! i do the dishes. i especially do them when i'm mad. :)

  2. haha thanks! i thought this post was scheduled for tomorrow morning!

  3. Those look so yummy! When I'm stressed I either bake or clean. Usually both.

  4. When things get crazy, I do a once over in my house. I vacuum, dust, and straighten everything. Laundry helps, too.

  5. abby and rachel: oh i'm sooo jealous of your desire to clean when things get crazy! that doesn't even cross my mind.

  6. abby and rachel: did my last comment come across as sarcastic? i can't tell. the truth is: i really am jealous. :)

  7. I love Deb's blog, I use her blog almost daily for recipes! All the recipes are easy and everything is ALWAYS a huge success, is my first source of recipes nowadays ;)

  8. Wow, now I want some pancakes. I'm also a little obsessive about cleanliness and restoring order. But, if things are really crazy, shopping usually helps.

  9. Now I'm hungry :) When life is throwing me sour lemons, I bake!


  10. I get rid of stuff. I also start using a smaller purse. I know this sounds insane because I really don't envy their lives, but sometimes I look at homeless people and envy the simplicity of it. Not from not doing anything all day (that would drive me nuts) but from not having so many t h i n g s.

  11. I made pancakes for dinner tonight because of this post. YUM.

  12. Your niece LOVES pancakes!:)She will eat them for breakfast,lunch,&dinner:)You better make some more the next time we see you:)They look deeeelish:)
    What do I do when my life feels crazy?Hmmm...it really depends on what is making me feel crazy...if it's the kids,I give myself a time-out...if it's technology,I remove or delete myself from it so that I am not a "slave to communication"...Hmmm...the more I think about it,I guess I tend to simplify my life when I start to feel crazy or overwhelmed:) How do I simplify? I simply try to remove the things that are weighing me down and invite good things to come into my life:)It's all a balancing act..but sometimes the plate still hits us in the face:)lol

  13. You make me so excited to be a mom. Thank you for being you :)


  14. Just found your blog today and I am obsessed! Your children are absolutely beautiful and you all look like you have so much fun together. I have a huge smile on after going through an embarrassing number of pages of your archives.

    Also, your pancakes look SCRUMPTIOUS. I need them now.


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