
Change is in the Air

You would not believe the transformation Owen has had over the past two weeks. He is so chill. If this a glimpse of things to come, I'm excited. So proud of the progress this little guy has made. His meltdowns are less and less everyday. To the point that I'm sincerely compassionate when he has one because I know he means it. I found these pictures I took last spring of Owen (more picture here). These pictures capture change!

Oscar on the other hand has been a total cry baby lately.   His favorite phrase of the moment: "Humph! That's not fair!" He's having a rough patch. Watch out if he doesn't get his way/wins the race/goes first. Meltdown! I hope I can help him through it. But as with everything in parenthood, I'm clueless.  I miss my happy-go-lucky Oscar.

Before I had twins, I was warned that their personalities would change without warning. Seems like that's what's going on. It was bound to happen!


  1. My son's BFF/cousin is named Oscar, and he's cheery with an edge. He IS the youngest of 3 boys, though, to be fair.

  2. Hi Sharon,
    I just recently found your blog but read it very often and I always love your pics of your children! They all are adorable! I have two kiddos myself (3.5 yr old boy and 20 month old girl) and it is so hard to take a good photo of them - they always on the go! So I have been thinking about asking you what kind of camera you are using to capture these wonderful moments? Your photos are amazing! Please let me know if this is not too much to ask (from a stranger), I would really appreciate your answer!
    Please keep the updates coming, it is so much fun to read your adventures in NYC!
    Best wishes,
    Timea N.

  3. I find it all goes in phases. My daughter will have a phase of tantrums, breakdowns and 'me,me,me' and then she'll be this perfect little girl. My son will do the same. And they always seem to take turns, as if they had a shift schedule and discussed between them who will be difficult that week/day.

  4. It was so nice to see a glimpse of spring in these pictures, I am starting to long for some warm weather and flowers everywhere! My husband says that his 2 cousins, not twins, just brothers, kind of traded personalities when they got older, very interesting... I wonder if there is any science behind that? Anyway, love to read your posts...

  5. Your post reminded me of a great book for grumpy times... Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard. Check it out sometime :)

  6. this is the CUTEST. oh, those faces!!!

  7. I'm from Brazil, no kids, but like very much reading your blog, so nice thing to read, and learn, thanks >:)

  8. Your pictures are so cute! Love the jeans and the big belt.

    Life with kids is all stages. Grumpy stage, always happy stage, know-it-all stage, and my favorite (not) the won't-stop-cursing stage. This tantrum phase will pass and be replaced by another better phase (I've noticed they alternate good/not-so-good/good). My mom used to say when my kids were little and threw tantrums "just stand back and don't throw gas on the fire." Ha.

    Looking forward to a visit to Manhattan at the end of the month. Any place for coffee, tea or snack that's a must-see local fave that I should hit when I'm there?

  9. hi! thanks for reading! i use a Canon t2i with a 50mm 1.8 lens. total disclosure: i usually take around 100-150 pictures to get 3 good ones for a post :) i wrote more about it here: http://nyctaughtme.blogspot.com/2011/05/camera-questions.html

  10. thanks for reading. there must be a study on it. it's so interesting!

  11. i'll have to check that one out. sounds perfect!

  12. if your in the upper west side, Lavain Bakery. also, any of the Momofuku restaurants or milk bars are cool. joanna put together a killer list of her fav places to eat. check it out here: http://joannagoddard.blogspot.com/2011/09/nyc-guide-10-best-restaurants.html


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