
Career Update: I GOT THE JOB!

Eeeek. Where did last week go? But more importantly: I GOT THE JOB!! A walk-into-a-cool-office, sit-at-a-desk-with-super-creative-people, have-a-salary-kind-of job!

I'm going to be writing, editing, suggesting and developing ideas for Elizabeth Street, a stylish website for mothers.  There's so many things I love about the site--the clean design, their fabulous interviews, and collaborations. I can't wait to share my ideas with the editors. I've been jotting them down in a notebook all week. I start Tuesday!

Remember when I wrote a Wanted Ad last year? Elizabeth Street is exactly the kind of company that I wanted to contact me. It took a year of growing my blog, becoming an intern, getting published a few times, and having a friend mention me in her interview (where the editors of Elizabeth Street discovered me) until I finally got the job I was hoping for all along. I couldn't be happier with the direction my career is headed. All the work I did to get here is totally worth it.

I'm glad I pushed myself to write even when I felt like I had nothing to say. It gave me confidence.  Now I know I can contribute to a company and create stories on days when I don't think I have it in me. Well, except for last week . . .

The last few days have been a whirlwind of getting everything in my life under control. My closets, my meal planning, my babysitters, my last naps ha. I have one last day off with my kids on Monday, and then I'm off to work--five days a week! I can't wait. I am soooo ready.

I'll tell you how my first days go as a working mother. Finally, a working mother! I love the sound of that.

PS Jordan Ferney took the above picture of me when I was in Paris a few years ago. One night she asked me what I wanted to be. I told her I really wanted to be a writer. Her response was something like, "You want to be a writer? Great! Call yourself a writer when people ask you what you do. Put it as your occupation on Facebook. There. Now you're a writer." She's the best at going after what she wants without making excuses. I love that about her. She's right--calling myself a writer actually turned me into a writer. This theory doesn't exactly fly for someone who wants to be a brain surgeon, but it works for most other things. What do you want to be? A runner? An artist? A baker? Consider yourself one and watch what happens! 


  1. Congratulations! This is very exciting and I hope you love it and learn many things. =)

  2. I'm so happy for you! It surely is hard to believe you are capable of doing something, but have to wait until someone gives you a chance. I'm sure you'll bring your honest, smart, relatable writing to your new job; all the things I enjoy about your blog :). Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations! So exciting! And inspiring too, to see someone figure out what they want, and make it happen.


  4. That sounds so perfect <3 I'm happy for you, Congratulations!

  5. great news-sounds perfect for you

  6. That is REALLY awesome! congratulations!! You better send that encouraging friend a big fat chocolate bar in the mail or something!!!

  7. Congratulations on your new job!! So happy for you!!
    Good things happen when you call yourself a writer.

  8. I read your blog EVERYDAY from Argentina! I am so happy for you, congratulations on your new job!

  9. Congratulations, Sharon. You deserve it. Welcome to the ranks of working moms!

  10. Congratulations!!! And...can you I ask you where you got your boots? :)

  11. Congratulations! What a good piece of news! I know you'll be marvellous in that new job. Will you keep on writting for the blog ("please, don't let your readers down ", am I thinking very selfishly!)

    ps: I live in Paris, and I think I recognised the exact place where the picture was taken, in Montmartre ! I used to live very close from there a few years ago!

  12. I'm ridic excited for you!!! You are such a hard worker, wonderful spirit and amazing mother. They are going to love you at Elizabeth Street and I'm actually kinda jealous of them. I've been thinking of ways we could work together again. I just hope they don't make you go and get coffee for anyone........


  13. I'm so happy for you! This is going to be awesome!

  14. Congratulations! That really is exciting!

  15. Big congrats. I've been reading tons of your archives this week and you have a great blog. No wonder you got the job! I can't wait to hear more.

  16. Fantastic news - very exciting, hope you enjoy your first week x

  17. That's awesome! I love that site, and can't wait to see what idea you think up!

  18. Can I just tell you how inspiring your blog is. Seriously. I'm 29 and still trying to figure out what my "ideal job" might be and your posts are so awesome and helpful. Congratulations, you have worked so hard and will do so great! Yay!

  19. Couldn't be more happy for you, because most of all you asked for it and you deserve it :)
    Wish you lots of luck at work and at home with the new schedule.
    And what Jordan said you, is so fascinating and so true, if you think about it, she's so right.
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great week and an easy month :)

  20. My biggest congratulations! I knew you would get the dream job! And your friend's advise is so clever, i'll borrow it starting right now. Thank you for sharing:)

  21. Oh wow, I can just hear your excitement! Congratulations, and may your first day be smooth and just what you're hoping for :)

  22. Congrats Sharon! So excited for you, I'll certainly be reading Elizabeth Street even more ;). You are such an inspiration to me. I'm a stay at home mom that would one day love a writing career, like you said a REAL job with a desk and other adults, etc. I love that you got out there and made it happen! Hope to do the same one day!


  23. Congratulations! That is great news. I am sure that you are going to love the working environment that you are heading too - what better than dreaming up ideas, writing posts, researching fun things. Well done you!

  24. Yay for you!!!!! You're perfect for the job and will be brilliant! Good on you for making your dream come true!

  25. Brilliant! You deserve this. I have been a huge fan of your writing, since finding this blog. MANY congratulations!!!

  26. Congratulations! I am also a huge fan of your writing. I find you absolutely hilarious, open, and honest. Qualities that are sometimes hard to find! I cannot wait to read about your adventures being a working momma. You totally deserve this!

  27. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR support :) truly makes me happy.

  28. congratulations, working mother!

  29. It seems weird to say congratulations when we don't know each other, but I'm really pleased for you, for your new job, so congratulations! You're blog is great and your down to earth and honest attitude/writing about motherhood, work, etc is very inspiring.

  30. So proud of you! I hope the transition to being a working mother goes well and I'm sure you'll do amazing!

    I worked professionally for almost 7 years before taking a break to be a mom... I have a bit of anxiety about eventually returning... will anyone want me again? So happy companies like this do!

  31. Congrats on your new job! I will bookmark Elizabeth Street.
    You've done such a great job on your blog. I for one care about you and your content (? life? :) ) because of your writing! Best of luck!

  32. great now you have more bosses to report too. wink wink.
    good luck with your work, mothering, writing and juggling it all.
    good luck with running too.

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